ENGLISH15Blender TipsChop fruits and vegetables: Put2 cups (475 mL) of fruit or vegetablechunks in pitcher. In PULSE MODE, coverand blend at STIR, pulsing a few times,about 2 to 3 seconds each time, untildesired consistency is reached.Puree fruits: Place 2 cups (475 mL)canned or cooked fruit in pitcher. Add2 to 4 tablespoons (30 to 60 mL) fruitjuice or water per cup (235 mL) of fruit.Cover and blend at PUREE about 5 to10 seconds.Puree vegetables: Place 2 cups (475 mL)canned or cooked vegetables in pitcher.Add 2 to 4 tablespoons (30 to 60 mL)broth, water, or milk per cup (235 mL)of vegetables. Cover and blend at PUREEabout 10 to 20 seconds.Puree meats: Place cooked, cubed,tender meat in pitcher. Add 3 to4 tablespoons (45 to 60 mL) broth, water,or milk per cup (235 mL) of meat. Coverand blend on STIR 10 seconds. Stop theBlender and scrape sides of pitcher. Coverand blend on PUREE 10 to 20 secondslonger.Puree cottage cheese or ricottacheese: Place cottage cheese or ricottacheese in pitcher. Cover and blend at MIXuntil smooth, about 25 to 35 seconds.Stop the Blender and scrape sides asneeded. If necessary, add 1 tablespoon(15 mL) of skim milk per cup (235 mL) ofcottage cheese. Use as a base for low-fatdips and spreads.Combine liquid ingredients for bakedgoods: Pour liquid ingredients in pitcher.Cover and blend at LIQUEFY until well-mixed, about 10 to 15 seconds. Pour liquidmixture over dry ingredients and stir well.Take lumps out of gravy: If sauce orgravy becomes lumpy, place in the pitcher.Cover and blend at MIX until smooth,about 5 to 10 seconds.Combine flour and liquid forthickening: Place flour and liquid inpitcher. Cover and blend at STIR untilsmooth, about 5 to 10 seconds.Prepare white sauce: Place milk, flour,and salt, if desired, in pitcher. Cover, andblend at STIR until well-mixed, about5 to 10 seconds. Pour into saucepan andcook as usual.Prepare pancake or waffle batterfrom mix: Place mix and other ingredientsin pitcher. Cover and blend at MIX untilwell-mixed, 10 to 20 seconds. Stop theBlender and scrape sides of the pitcheras needed.Grate cheese: Cut very cold cheese into1/2 to 1 inch (1.25 to 1.5 cm) cubes. Placeup to 1/2 cup (120 mL) cheese in thepitcher. Cover, and blend at LIQUEFY about5 to 10 seconds. For hard cheeses, suchas Parmesan, bring to room temperature,then blend at LIQUEFY for 10 to15 seconds.Make oatmeal for a baby: Placeuncooked rolled oats in pitcher. InPULSE MODE, blend at MIX until desiredconsistency, about 5 pulses, 2 to3 seconds each pulse. Cook as usual.Make baby food from adult food:Place prepared adult food in pitcher. Coverand blend at STIR about 10 seconds. Thenblend at PUREE about 10 to 30 seconds.Rinse your Blender jar: Fill pitcherone-half full with warm water. Add afew drops of dishwashing liquid. Coverand blend at STIR until sides are clean,about 5 to 10 seconds. Rinse and dry. Forcomplete cleaning, pitcher and lid can alsobe cleaned in an automatic dishwasher.