5Troubleshooting ProblemsIf your Immersion Blender shouldmalfunction or fail to operate,please check the following:1. Is the Immersion Blender plugged in?2. Is the fuse in the circuit to theImmersion Blender in workingorder? If you have a circuit breakerbox, be sure the circuit is closed.3. Turn Immersion Blender off for10-15 seconds, then turnImmersion Blender back on.If the problem cannot be corrected withthe above steps, see the KitchenAidWarranty on page 3. Do not return theImmersion Blender to the retailer;retailers do not provide service.Electrical RequirementsVolts: 120 A.C. only. Hertz: 60The amperage rating for your blenderis located on the serial plate. Themaximum rating is based on theattachment that draws the greatestload. Other recommendedattachments may draw significantlyless current.NOTE: This Immersion Blender hasa polarized plug (one blade is widerthan the other). To reduce the riskof electrical shock, this plug will fitin a polarized outlet only one way.If the plug does not fit fully in theoutlet, reverse the plug. If it stilldoes not fit, contact a qualifiedelectrician. Do not modify the plugin any way.Extension cords are available andmay be used if special care isexercised in their use.If a long extension cord is used:• The marked electrical rating of theextension cord should be at least asgreat as the electrical rating of theappliance.• The cord should be arranged so itwill not drape over the countertopor tabletop where it can be pulledby children or tripped overunintentionally.