11† A small amount of water is run through the pump to remove soilparticles.Canceling a CycleAnytime during a cycle, open the lid. Then press Cancel andclose the lid.The dishwasher starts a drain. Let the dishwasher draincompletely. Select a new cycle.To stop the drainYou can press Cancel again to stop the drain immediately.Remember to drain the dishwasher before starting a new cycle.To clear the indicatorsPress Cancel before starting the dishwasher to clear all optionsand cycles.Changing a Cycle or SettingDuring the first fill of a cycle1. Open the lid.2. Press a new cycle and/or options.3. Check the detergent. Dishwasher must contain the properamount for the new cycle.4. Close and latch the lid. The dishwasher resumes the newcycle and/or option after a 5-second pause.After the first fill of a cycle1. Open the lid.2. Press the Cancel pad.3. Close the lid. Your dishwasher starts a drain. Let thedishwasher drain completely.4. Open the lid.5. Select a new cycle and/or options.6. Check the detergent. Dishwasher must contain the properamount for the new cycle.7. Press the Start pad.8. Close and latch the lid.Adding Items During a CycleYou can add an item anytime before the main wash starts. Openthe lid and check the detergent amount. If the detergent is stillvisible, you can add items.To add items1. Turn the knob latch to stop the cycle. Wait for the sprayingaction to stop before opening the lid completely.2. Open the lid. If the detergent is still visible in the wash water,you may add the item.3. Close the lid firmly and turn knob to latch. The dishwasherresumes the cycle after about a 5-second pause.Option SelectionsYou can customize your cycles by pressing the SANI RINSE™option. If you change your mind, press the option again to turnthe option off.You can change an option anytime before the selected optionbegins.Press the Start pad to repeat the same cycle and option as theprevious wash cycle.NOTE: If the last cycle you completed was a rinse cycle, whenyou press the Start pad, the dishwasher runs the last full washcycle and option.SANI RINSE™ OptionSelect this option to raise the water temperature in the final rinseto approximately 160°F (71°C). The SANI RINSE™ option addsheat and time to the cycle.NOTE: SANI RINSE™ is an option with the Pots/Pans, Normal,and Quick Wash cycles.Use this cycle for loads with normal amountsof food soil. (The energy-usage label is basedon this cycle.)MainWashRinse Purge † Rinse FinalHeatedRinseDry Time(min)WaterUsage(gal/L)145°F(61°C) 145°F(61°C) 37* 4.1/15.7Use this cycle for light loads, light soilor glassware.MainWashRinse FinalHeatedRinseDry Time(min)WaterUsage(gal/L)145°F(61°C) 145°F(61°C) 21* 2.5/9.5Use this rinsecycle for rinsingdishes, glasses,and silverwarethat will not bewashed rightaway.Do not usedetergent withthis cycle.MainWashRinse FinalHeatedRinseDry Time(min)WaterUsage(gal/L) 3 0.9/3.5