866-235-5029High Speed Blending and Mixing SystemMODEL: HL-2070, PRODUCT CODE: 92680, 07/2015AFTER SALES SUPPORT 12USAUSAserviceusa@tempo.org4:KHQEOHQGLQJIUHVKIUXLWMXLFHZK\GR,HQGXSKDYLQJDORWRISXOSDQGOLWWOHliquid?$0RVWIUXLWLVYHU\¿EURXVZKLFKPHDQV\RXZLOOJHWDORWRISXOS)RUEHVWUHVXOWVcombine dense fruit and vegetables with juicy ones: orange with cantaloupe, forexample, or carrot with watermelon, both great combinations.4:K\GRHVWKH+LJK6SHHG%OHQGLQJDQG0L[LQJ6\VWHPQRWFUXVKLFHLWMXVWspins it around?A: You may be overloading your cup. Bigger, homemade ice cubes need some roomto move around so they can reach the blade. Smaller, less dense cubes will crushmuch easier. For best results, add a little liquid to the ice.Q: Is it OK to put the High Speed Blending and Mixing System in theGLVKZDVKHU"A: Yes, all of the High Speed Blending and Mixing System accessories (cups, blades,lids and the lip ring) are dishwasher safe. However, the silicon gaskets on the bladeDVVHPEOLHVFDQFRPHORRVHVRDOZD\VHQVXUHDIWHUZDVKLQJWKDWWKH\DUH¿WWHG¿UPO\LQSODFH7KHRQO\WKLQJWKDWFDQQRWJRLQWKHGLVKZDVKHULVWKHSRZHUEDVHNever immerse it in water or other liquid!4:KDWGR,GRLIWKHFXSOHDNVZKLOH,DPXVLQJWKH+LJK6SHHG%OHQGLQJDQGMixing System?A: Your High Speed Blending and Mixing System is designed to provide a watertightVHDOIRUWKHOLIHRIWKHXQLW,I\RX¿QGWKDWRFFDVLRQDOO\OLTXLGVHHSVRXWZKLOH\RXare using your High Speed Blending and Mixing System, check to make sure thatWKHEODGHDVVHPEO\KDVEHHQVFUHZHGWLJKWO\RQWRWKHFXSQGLILWLV¿UPO\IDVWHQHGcheck whether the silicon gasket is missing. A clear silicon gasket lines the insiderim of each blade assembly. Occasionally, it will fall out in the dishwasher or sink.Check to ensure that the gasket is in the blade assembly.TroubleshootingTroubleshooting