7 - 2 rx6030 / rx7030 / rx80301. wipe the surface of the fuel filterclean.2. unscrew the plug on the bottom ofthe fuel filter to drain fuel.3. Remove the fuel filter.4. remove foreign materials, suchas dirt, thoroughly and replace thefuel filter with a new one.REPLACINg FUEL FILTERBlEEDINg fUEl sysTEM (T)TF1O710A(1) pump(2) air plug1. make sure that the amount of fuelin the tank is sufficient.2. If there is air in the fuel filter, turnthe filter cock to the air side andturn the ignition key to turn the startmotor. Then, the air in the filter portis discharged through the bleedinghose as shown in the figure.CAUTIONDo not operate the start motorfor more than 5 seconds con-tinuously. Instead, operate itfor several times within 5 sec-onds each time.•NOTEit is not necessary to bleed thesystem if filling the tank with fuelbefore installing the fuel port.•3. when fuel is visible through thebleeding bolt, tighten the bolt andstart the engine.TF120(RX6030,7030,8030)-AU-07.in24 24 2016-06-17 오후 1:55:44