Congratulations, and welcome to the fabulous world of DK90 ownership, where serious work is made funagain!This versatile tractor is a culmination of the entire tractor and diesel knowledge gained by the Daedong Indus-trial Co.,LTD since 1947. It has been designed with the finest materials and under rigid quality control standardsset forth by the KIOTI Engineering Department.Knowledge of tractor operation is essential for dependable service and reliability. To help new owner's familiar-ize themselves with the KIOTI DK90, it is the policy of KIOTI tractor to provide an owner's manual whichincludes helpful information about tractor safety, operation and maintenance. If the information you seek is notfound in this manual, your KIOTI tractor dealer will be happy to help you.Please feel free to contact KIOTI with your questions/concerns.FOREWORD