TO THE READER1S196-WOO Jul. 2003TO THE READERThis Workshop Manual has been prepared to provide servicing personnel with information on the mechanism,service and maintenance of KIOTI tractors CH20, CK20J, CK20H and CK20HJ. It is divided into two parts, “Mecha-nism” and “Servicing” for each section. MECHANISMInformation on the construction and functions are included. The part should be completely understood beforeproceeding with troubleshooting, disassembling or servicing. SERVICINGIn this section you will find general precautions, maintenance and special tools. The are other sections whichinclude troubleshooting, servicing, specifications lists, disassembling, assembling and servicing that explains indetail procedures, precautions, factory specifications and acceptable limits.This manual contains the latest production information on illustrations and specifications based on the most up todate production information available at the time of publication.We reserve the right to make changes throughout the entire manual at any time without notice.