05GENERAL INSTALLATIONCOLD MAINS PIPEWORKRun the cold main through the building to the place wherethe ULTRASTEEL PLUS is to be installed. Take care not torun the cold pipe near hot water or heating pipework so thatthe heat pick-up is minimized. Identify the cold water supplypipe and fit an isolating valve (not supplied).A 22mm BS1010 stopcock can typically be used but a 22mmquarter turn full bore valve would be better as it does notrestrict the flow as much. Do not use “screwdriver slot” orsimilar valves. Make the connection to the cold feed of thecylinder and incorporate a drain valve. Position the drainvalve no higher than the cold inlet to ensure sufficientdraining of cylinder when required. Position the inlet controljust ABOVE the Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve (TPRV)mounted on the side of the cylinder. This ensures thatthe cylinder does not have to be drained down in order toservice the inlet control set. Ensure that the arrow points inthe direction of the water flow.Turn totestColdMains InBalanced ColdConnectionOutlet to CylinderExpansionRelief toTundishCONNECTING TO THE CYLINDERAll of the pipework connections on the cylinder aredesigned to accept 22mm copper pipe. The thread is 3/4”BSP male parallel thread. Suitable nuts and olives areprovided.Cut the tube with a pipe cutter and ensure no sharp edgesor burrs protrude. Slide both gland nut and olive ontothe tube and push tube fully home into the connection,ensuring the tube end fully bottoms on the connectionrecess. Smear the outer wall of the olive with plumbingpaste and tighten gland nut in the prescribed manner.Upon filling/commissioning, ensure all connections arecompletely watertight. Note: No control or isolation valveshould be fitted between the expansion relief valve and thestorage cylinder. The relief valve connections should notbe used for any other purpose.KINGSPAN ALBIONRELIABLE HOT WATER CYLINDERS