Page 3 of 68 King Pigeon Hi-Tech. Co., Ltd. Ver 1.0GSM/SMS/GPRS/3G/4GCellular IoT Modbus RTU1. Brief introductionThe Cellular IoT Modbus RTU is an industrial class, high reliability, high stability, and programmable RemoteTerminal Unit (RTU). It embedded 32-Bit High Performance Microprocessor MCU, inbuilt industrial Cellularmodule. It provides 8 digital inputs, 6 analog or PT100 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) inputs, 4 relayoutputs, 1 ambient sensor input for monitoring onsite temperature and humidity, and RS485 serial port, supports80/224/320 mapping registers via Modbus RTU protocol. It can monitoring and operates the I/O ports by SMS, APP,Web Server, internet, timers and programmed inter-lock events automatically.The Cellular IoT Modbus RTU inbuilt TCP/IP protocol stack make it suitable for internet of things (IoT) applications,it can be easily to operate by the provided cloud, app, and web server, or integrated to you IoT applicationsaccording to the TCP/UDP protocol, or integrated to SCADA systems by standard Modbus TCP protocol, too. This isvery useful if you need remote control onsite devices with low cost solution.