Kinetico 2030s, 2040s OD, 2050s, 2060s,2100s, 2100s OD, 4040s OD, 2060s OD, 2030f OD2060f OD, 2100f OD Backwashing Filters2040C, 4050s 4060s OD Macrolite™,4060s OD Activated Carbon, 4060f OD,2080f OD Greensand, 2060s Tannin Plus®Rev. 09/08 Kinetico Incorporated Corporate Headquarters Newbury, Ohio 44065 440-564-9111 Product No. 11013K4INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS15. VERY IMPORTANT: Where a brine drum overflow could cause damage, install a ½” I.D. overflow line on thebarbed overflow fitting on the drum, and connect it to a drain. Make sure the drain is not higher than the barbedfitting. FOLLOW PLUMBING CODES. If a floor drain is not available, install a brine valve safety float on thebrine valve.16. Before leaving the installation site, check plumbing for leaks.17. Information when bedding on site:2030f OD 2060f OD 2100f OD 4060s ODMacrolite .25 cubic ftGarnet .06 cubic ft0.4 cubic ftGravel 6 lbs (3 in.)0.7 cubic ftGravel 25 lbs (5 in.)Top tank .2 cu.ft.Gravel 6 lbs. (3 in.)Carbon 0.7 cubic ftGravel 6 lbs (3 in.)1.5 cubic ftGravel 25 lbs (5 in.)a. Remove the module and the remote base from both media tanks.b. Place caps over the top of the distributor tubes to prevent media from falling inside the tubes.c. Pour the appropriate amount of gravel and then the filtering media into the tank (see the above charts for properamounts).Figure 11. Main shut-off Valve2. Outside Faucet Valve (open)3. Conditioner Inlet Valve (open)4. By-pass Valve (closed)5. Conditioner Outlet Valve (open)6. Kinetico By-pass Valve (forservice and by-pass positions,see labeling on valve)123456Kinetico1 ¼”TreatedWater ToRaw WaterKinetico1 ¼”Series