4.5 I/OThe I/O input/output allows to connect 2.5 mm jacks. It is located at the bottom of the unit behind therubber breastplate.I/O 2 out: DC continuous analogue output: 0-10V for connection to a recorder or industrial controller.I/O 1 in corresponds to the input for the launch and stop measurement from an industrial controller and is for Leq-St – 1/1 oct – NRmeasurement modes. Launching of the measurement is made for a continuous high level and stopping the measurement is made for acontinuous low level.I/O 1 Out corresponds to the detection output compared to a preset sound level and is for L- Leq-St – 1/1 oct measurement modes.A high level appears in output when the sound peak pressure level reaches and exceeds a certain value.For this type of output, the following items must be configured:• The level type: choose L, Leq or LPK depending on the mode of measurement.• Programming with scrolling knob key the desired level of detection by 1 dB steps.• Set a timer for maintaining the continuous signal detection after sub-overshoot sound level (from 1s to 10s by 1s pitch).4.6 AutonomyAutonomy provides information on the remaining memorycapacity and allows time measurementaccording to the chosen method ofmeasurement.The measurement time is calculated automatically basedon the remaining memory capacity. It is immediatelycompared to the remaining capacity of the power system:batteries, battery or AC adapter.4.7 InstrumentThis screen reminds main components of the sound level meter:• microphone and its serial number• preamplifier and its serial number• sound level meter housing• version number of the firmware.4.8 AboutThis screen shows the various European standards and the accuracy class of the instrument.It also specifies the date of the last checking and remains the next one.Setting 14Menu: :CONFIGURATIONI/OI/OLECTUREPCPROG. MESUREINSTRUMENTA PROPOSAUTONOMIECOMMENTAIREI/O 2OutI/O 1InI/O 1Out:I/ODC : 0-10V100 dBL/LeqA1sMenu: :CONFIGURATIONAUTONOMIEI/OLECTUREPCPROG. MESUREINSTRUMENTA PROPOSAUTONOMIECOMMENTAIREMemoireLi-IOnAUTONOMIE8780%00/21:36:00Mic.n° :Preamp.n° :SLMn° :S.versionAME2312010004PR2312010008DB30012010006E33-1-V1.0INSTRUMENT.