63. Other Alarm Visual And Audible IndicatorsOperational Mode Visual Indications Audible Indications Action/NoteNormal (standby) AC power: Green LED oncontinuously.DC power: Green LED blinkapprox every 60 sec.Test (button press whenno alarmcondition is present)(Note: Test is very loud,stand a few feet away.)Red LED blinks in time withalarm pattern.• Single beep.• 3 long beeps, voice "Fire!", 3long beeps, 4 quick beeps,Voice "Warning, CarbonMonoxide," 4 quick beeps.Perform Test/Hush® buttonpress once a week to verifyproper alarm operation.Smoke or CO alarm Memory(unit has experienced asmoke or CO alarm event, orhas detected 100ppm CO orgreater.)Red LED blink every 16 sec. After button push, voice“Smokepreviously detected" or"Carbon Monoxide previouslydetected" .NOTE: On DC power, alarmmemory is only retainedfor 24 hrs.Push test button to clearAlarm Memory.Smoke alarm Hush® Mode(SMaRT Hush®CONTROL)Red LED blinks every 2 sec. After button push, voice “HushMode Activated." Smoke alarmpattern stops. (If there is toomuch smoke to allow Hush® :voice "Too Much Smoke, Can-not be Hushed”, Smoke alarmpattern continues.)This feature is to be usedonly when a known alarmcondition, such as smokefrom cooking, activatesthe alarm.CO alarm reset None After button push: CO alarmpattern stops.Unit is confirming if CO ispresent or if it experienced anuisance situation. Re-alarmmeans danger. Move to freshair and call 911.initiating alarm(multiple alarms in an inter-connected system)Red LED blinks in time withalarm pattern indicating thatthis is the unit initiating thealarm in an interconnected,multiple alarm, system.NOTE: It is possible for morethan one unit to detecta hazard and become aninitiating alarm unit (RedLED blinking).Unit in either Smoke or COalarm mode.If you require further information please contact Product Support at 1-800-880-6788 or write us at:Kidde, 1016 Corporate Park Drive, Mebane, NC 27302. Our internet address is www.kidde.com.