Operating Instructions16immediately, the unit will verbally announce “HUSH MODEACTIVATED”, and the green LED will flash every 2 seconds forapproximately 10 minutes. This indicates that the smoke alarmis in a temporarily desensitized condition. Your Smoke/CO Alarmwill automatically reset after approximately 10 minutes. Whenthe unit returns to normal operation after being in HUSH mode,it will verbally announce “HUSH MODE CANCELLED”, and soundthe alarm if smoke is still present. The HUSH feature can be usedrepeatedly until the air has been cleared of the condition causingthe alarm. While the unit is in HUSH mode, pushing the test/resetbutton on the alarm will also end the HUSH period.NOTE: DENSE SMOKE WILL OVERRIDE THE HUSH CONTROLFEATURE AND SOUND A CONTINUOUS ALARM.CAUTION: BEFORE USING THE ALARM HUSH FEATURE,IDENTIFY THE SOURCE OF THE SMOKE AND BE CERTAIN ASAFE CONDITION EXISTS.Reset FeatureIf the the Smoke/CO Alarm is sounding a CO alarm, pressing thetest/reset button will silence the alarm.If the CO condition that caused the alert continues, the alarm willreactivate. Reactivation times depend on the amount of COpresent (see page 21).Peak Level MemoryIf the CO sensor has detected a CO level of 100 PPM or highersince last reset, it will be recorded by the Peak Level Memoryfunction. To access the Peak Level Memory press the test/resetbutton. If a reading of 100 PPM or higher has been recorded, theunit will announce “Carbon Monoxide Previously Detected.” Ifyou’ve been away from home this feature allows you to check ifthere was a CO reading of 100, or higher, during your absence.Pushing the test/reset button resets the memory. It’s also resetwhen the power is removed.