KiSS DP-1000 User Manual
1 2 45 637STEPThis function not usedAUDIOPress the (AUDIO) button to change the sound format.The audio format options, such as two-channel stereoand six-channel surround, are determined by the filmproducer.ZOOMWhen watching the film, you can zoom in on specificareas. You can zoom in either as the film is playingor after you have paused it. Activate the function bypressing the (ZOOM) button, and return to the normalpicture by pressing the button again.TIP: Use the arrow buttons to move around the enlargedscreen display.REPEATAs the film is playing, press the (REPEAT) button andthree options will appear on the screen.MODE: Shuffle (random chapter playing) or Off(deactivated). Repeat: Lets you decide whether to repeatthe section or the entire film.CLEARUse this function to delete all previous inputs.SRCHUse (SRCH) to find a specific spot on the disk.Time: Specify time, minutes and secondsTitle/Chapter: Find the title or the chapterANGLEIf the film supports more than one camera angle, youcan switch from one angle to another by pressing the(ANGLE) button.SUBPICUse this button to change the film’s subtitles. If youpress the (SUBPIC) button, a message will appear in thetop left corner of the screen indicating the number ofavailable languages and the language that is currentlyactive. If you press the (SUBPIC) button again, you go tothe next language option. The number of languages isalso determined by the film’s producer.SETUPIf the DVD Player is in the process of showing a filmor playing music, press the (SETUP) button to see theavailable options on the disk. For instance, if you arewatching a DVD film, the left-hand side of the screenwill show information about the film’s length, thenumber of chapters, the language options and thenumber of subtitles.If the DVD player is turned on, but not playing filmsor other media, pressing this button will take you to amenu, where you can configure your DVD player. Hereyou can select the default settings for language, sound,video, parental level, etc.These buttons are used for increasing and decreasing thesound volume.MARKThis function not usedDVD PLAYER DP-10001Remote controlPower CableAudio CableScart CableComposite VideoBatteriesfor the remote control [size “AAA” (R6P)]DVD-Player KiSS DP-1000ConnectionsVideo ConnectionConnecting your KiSS DP-1000 DVD player to your TV can be done with any of the cables below. (Only one cable canbe connected at a time).1 3 5 4 2DP-1000 TV1. RGB via SCART2. S-Video (the cable is an extra accessory)3. Composite via SCART4. Composite Video5. Component Video (the cable is an extra accessory)Audio ConnectionConnecting your KiSS DP-1000 DVD player to your amplifier can be done with any of the cables below. (Only one cablecan be connected at a time).8 6 7DP-1000Amplifier6. Optical output (the cable is an extra accessory)7. Coaxial output (the cable is an extra accessory)8. Analogue Stereo32176543 4211. AC Input2. Coaxial Output for Amplifier3. Optical Output for Amplifier4. Ordinary Stereo Output5. S-Video Output for TV set6. Component Video for TV set7. SCART for TV set1. Standby2. Open/Close3. Title/Menu4. Menu5. Back6. Up Arrow7. Left Arrow8. Enter9. Right Arrow10. Down Arrow11. Rewind12. Play/Pause13. Fast Forward14. Previous Chapter15. Stop16. Next Chapter17. Select Lang/Audio18. Next Picture19. Select Subtitles20. Select Angle21. Zoom22. Repeat23. Unused24. Setup25. Clear Input26. Search27. Increase Volume28. Decrease Volume81027282625242322212019171816151413121179654321Note:Certain functions willonly work if supported bythe media.Presentation1. Display2. CD Tray3. Eject/Stop4. Play/PauseQuick SetupIf your DVD Player is correctly connected (see the chapteron cable connections), a menu will appear when you turnon the DVD Player. The menu installs the most importantsettings for your TV set and language.Note: If this menu does not appear when you start the DVDPlayer, recheck the cable connections.Note: Try connecting your TV set using the Composite Videocables. Composite Video always produces a picture.LanguageSelect the language that will be used whenever you open theDP-1000’s built-in menus. Use the arrow buttons on the remotecontrol to move the rectangular frame to the language you wishto select and press ENTER.ConnectionSelect your TV set’s connection. Your options are SCART, S-Videoand Component Video. The connection depends on the inletsavailable on your TV set. (If you select SCART, this connectionalso includes VGA and Composite Video).TVThis screen presents two different types of TV formats:4:3 (normal) or 16:9 (wide screen).Note: Some 4:3 TV screens can display 16:9 format.AudioIf your TV set is connected via SCART, your TV is automaticallyprovided with sound. If you would rather use an amplifier toreproduce the sound, you have two options to choose from: thephono jack or one of the two digital outputs.Note: The default Audio choice should be stereo unless yourplayer is connected to a digital amplifierAdvanced SetupYou can always access the Setup menu and adjust theDP-1000 to your specific requirements and hardware.When DP-1000 appears on the main screen, press theSETUP button on your remote control, and a menu willappear with the available options. The orange frameshows your position on the menu. Use the arrow buttonsto move the frame and select by pressing the ENTERbutton. The settings on some of the menus have alreadybeen determined under Quick setup, but there are severalsettings available under Advanced setup as well.Language SettingsThe first menu is the Language settings menu. Here you selectthe language you wish to use for the menus, that will appear onthe screen, and your preferred language when playing a DVD film– for subtitles, speech and menus (they will only be used if thefilm supports the language).Video settingsYou can also select a different TV system from PAL (the Europeanstandard), and you can indicate whether you have RGB viaSCART, Component or S-Video. Refer to your TV set’s instructionmanual before selecting the connection. Only one setting at atime is possible.Note: Composite Video via SCART is always activated.Audio SettingsThis menu enables you to select either RAW or PCM.PCM: Stereo sound. Used for slightly older amplifiers. Choosethis option to obtain analogue sound.RAW: Plays the surround sound track on the disk. Recommendedas default.Miscellaneous SettingsThis display lets you set your preferred level of protection onthe films. Some films are divided into levels, so that parentscan prevent their children from seeing a specific type of film. Inthe next menu item, you create a password that is required forediting this setup*. The light in the DVD Player’s display can bemodified from dim to normal or bright. All settings can be resetin the “Restore settings” menu, and the Quick setup can be re-initiated from the last menu. *If you wish to modify this setuplater on, you must re-enter the password.The DVD Player supports the following media: DVD Video, DivX, XviD, ISO MPEG-4, Audio CD, MP3, Ogg Vorbisand jpeg.Playing MediaDVD films are normally supplied with a regional code (1),(2), etc., and can only be played on DVD players with thesame regional code. You can see the region on the back ofthe player. Region tags appear as follows:DVD MenuIf you have adjusted your DVD Player accordingto the instructions above, you can now insert aDVD into your DVD Player. A moment later, theDVD menu will appear. Use the arrow buttonsto navigate in the menu and start the film.Note: As this menu is part of the DVD itself, itwill vary from DVD to DVD.DivX, XviD and MPEG-4The DP-1000 recognises the format andautomatically starts playing the CD when youinsert it into the drive. Use the counter in thedisplay to help you to see where you are in thefilm. You have access to the usual playbackoptions, such as stop, pause, go to next, timesearch, etc.MP3 and Ogg VorbisWhen you insert an audio CD with MP3or Ogg Vorbis music files, the player willautomatically recognise the format and letyou select the songs you wish to hear. Youcan choose the order in which you wantto listen to the tracks, listen to just a fewsongs/albums/folders or play them at randomby pressing the SETUP button on your remotecontrol and selecting the preferred method forthe playing order.Picture CD and jpegYou can either have your photos burnedon a disk in the shop, where you had themdeveloped or burn your own disk on yourcomputer. Afterwards the photos can beshown on your TV to the delight of your familyand friends. You select whether the photosshould be shown one by one in the order youprefer or as a slide show. Press SETUP to selectslide show.A number of advanced functions are located on thelower section of the remote control. These functions aredescribed below. Some functions may not work with allmedia formats.Advanced FunctionsAccessoriesSupportMore information or assistance is available at KiSS Technology’swebsite under Support for DVD Player.Address: www.kiss-technology.comUpdatesAt our website, you can update the DVD Player’s firmware/operatingsystem with the latest new features. To do so, download thesoftware from the support section at the www.kiss-technology.comwebsite. Then burn it on a CD-R and load it into the DVD player. Seeour website under support for additional information. If you do nothave Internet access, or do not own or have access to a CD burner,an update can be purchased from the dealer where you purchasedyour DVD Player. To reset the settings of the DP-1000, press thefollowing buttons on the remote control: “Open”, “Clear”, “1”, “2”,“3”. KiSS Technology A/S reserves the right to change all settingsand specifications without notice.Important safety information•Read these instructions carefully and pay attention to all warningsand guidelines.•Do not overload electrical sockets or extension cables. Overloadingcan result in fire or electric shock.•Never insert objects into the DVD player’s cabinet door. They mightcome into contact with dangerous voltage points or short-circuitcomponents, which can cause fire or electric shock.•Do not spill liquids on the DVD player.•If the DVD Player does not function normally, or if it emits unusualsounds or odours, pull out the plug immediately and contact anauthorised technician.•Do not attempt to service the DVD player yourself. If you open ordismantle the shielding, you expose yourself to dangerous voltageand other hazards. All maintenance must be carried out by qualifiedservice technicians.Environmental information• The system is made of recyclable materials which can be reusedif disassembled by authorised personnel.• Please follow local regulations for the disposal of packagingmaterials, used batteries and discarded units.CopyrightThis product contains copyright technology which is protectedpursuant to the patents that are the property of MacrovisionCorporation and other copyright holders. Any use of this copyrighttechnology must be approved by Macrovision Corporation. Thetechnology is intended for use in the home unless otherwiseapproved by Macrovision Corporation. Breakdown and disassemblyare prohibited.Made under license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby” and the double“D” symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. “DTS” and “DTSDigital Out” are trademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.KiSS Instant Repair ServiceIf the DVD player is STILL UNDER WARRANTY, KiSS Technology A/Swill pay freight costs back and forth to the customer. Please followthe instructions given by the HelpDesk. Always remember to writethe RMA number (provided by the HelpDesk) on the freight bill. Ifthe DVD player is NOT UNDER WARRANTY, all costs must be heldby the customer.There are three ways to obtain an RMA number. “An RMAnumber is a reference number generated in every single case foradministrative purposes.”1.By fax or e-mail: Fax: +45 44 78 41 48 and Enclose the error description, serial no., invoiceno., copy of the invoice/sales receipt.2.Personal contact: Phone KiSS’s Help Desk on +45 70 26 82 70 andrequest an RMA number.3.From the dealer: take the product to the dealer, where it waspurchased. Important: Never send the product to be repairedwithout obtaining an RMA no. first, otherwise it will be rejected.The product must always be packed properly, otherwise the productwarranty will be discontinued. (Packaging can be purchased fromKiSS Technology at the market price). Retrieval and delivery to theend user. The product can be picked up from and delivered directlyto the end user. To do so, the end user must follow the HelpDesk’sinstructions at the time of the RMA enquiry. If these instructionsare not followed, the end user will be charged for extra costs thatmust be paid on delivery.Warranty certificateKiSS Technology A/S provides a twenty-four (24) month warrantyfrom the date of purchase against material and manufacturingdefects. In the event of defects covered by the warranty, the productmust be returned to the dealer that sold the product, or refer to theenclosed appendix on the KiSS Instant Repair Service. The expectedtime of repair, including transport, is approximately five workingdays (except for remote areas). If any problems arise, information onour authorised service centres is available at the following address,or from the dealer who sold the product.Terms of Warranty1.The warranty is only valid on presentation of a correctly completedwarranty certificate and sales ticket, and if the serial number on theproduct is fully legible.2.The obligations of KiSS Technology are limited either to repair orreplacement of defective components. The repair or replacementof defective components is based on an assessment by KiSSTechnology. Exchange is only possible if the repair cannot beperformed.3.Warranty repairs must be performed by an authorised KiSSTechnology dealer, or an authorised service centre. No remunerationis provided for repairs performed by unauthorised workshops.Any repairs or damage to the product caused by unauthorisedintervention are not covered by this warranty.4.This product will not be viewed as defective, either in materialsor in manufacture, if adaptation to national, local, technical orsafety-related requirements is required in countries other than thespecific country for which the product was originally designed andmanufactured.5.This warranty does not cover these types of adaptations, andno remuneration will be offered for these types of adaptations orfor any consequential damages. The warranty does not cover thefollowing:a) Periodic inspection, maintenance and repair or replacement ofparts resulting from normal wear.b) Costs connected to transport, disassembly or installation of theproduct.c) Misuse, including use for other purposes than was intended, orfaulty installation.d) Damage caused by lightning, water, fire, natural catastrophes,war, insurrection, incorrect line voltage, insufficient ventilation orother causes beyond the control of KiSS Technology.6.This warranty applies to every legal owner of the product duringthe warranty period.7. Information we must receive before repairing the product: modelname, serial no, RMA no, copy of the invoice or sales receiptthe dealer’s name, address and phone no, personal information(Name, address, post code/city, phone no. and e-mail address(optional)), your signature, dealer’s stamp and signature, date.KiSS Technology A/S, Slotsmarken 10, DK 2970 Hørsholm,DenmarkHotline (user support) +45 45 17 00 07,HelpDesk (repair support) +45 70 26 82 70hotline@kiss-technology.com4The DVD Player is equipped with a VFD display which indicatesthe current ongoing activities.1. Indicates the selection of the disk being played2. Indicates the number or chapter being shown/played3. Indicates the current function, such as play or stop4. Indicates the type of media being played321english français |
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