11APPENDIX A COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL TOCONTROL THE RADIO TURRETThe radio base module plays the role of a transparent radio bridge between the hostcomputer and the Khepera robot equipped with a radio turret in communication mode.The communication between the radio base and the host computer is made by a RS232serial link configured at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 start bit, 2 stop bits, no parity andhardware flow control with RTS and CTS signals.The only command available on the radio base module is a switch command:* Destination selectionFormat of the command: *ID_destinationFormat of the response: no responseEffect: Switches the communication channel to communicate with the Kheperaequipped with the radio turret with ID “ID_destination”. The radio turretID has to be selected on the radio turret switches. Every string sent to theRS232 of the radio base after this selection will be directly sent to the cor-responding Khepera radio turret. If “ID_destination” is set to -1, the com-munication is established with all radio turrets simultaneously. Everystring sent to the radio base after this selection will be distributed to allradio turrets. The use of this last addressing mode is basically reserved toprogrammers who want to write specific software. For standard communi-cations, this mode does not guarantee that the message is received prop-erly by all robots. Moreover, with the standard protocol, all Kheperarobots will answer simultaneously, generating no correct answers.