Instrument Messages 110Instrument MessagesCondition MessagesThus, the summary bits cannot be used to determine the current state of alower level condition bit; only the state and history of the lower level event bits.701 to 799, OperationThis series of errors corresponds to the bits in the STATus:OPERation register(see “X-Series Status Register System” on page 116), which can be read with aSTATus:OPERation? event query or a STATus:OPERation:CONDition? query.An event with the number shown in the table means the condition has beendetected. When the condition is cleared, an event with the number plus 1000is generated.Err# Bit instatusregisterMessage Error orWarningMore Information601 0 unused603 1 unused605 2 unused607 3 Power status bitonlyThis bit is the summary bit for theSTATus:QUEStionable:POWer sub-register.609 4 Temperature status bitonlyThis bit is the summary bit for theSTATus:QUEStionable:TEMPeraturesub-register.611 5 Frequency status bitonlyThis bit is the summary bit for theSTATus:QUEStionable:FREQuencysub-register.613 6 unused615 7 unused617 8 Calibration status bitonlyThis bit is the summary bit for theSTATus:QUEStionable:CALibrationsub-register.619 9 Integrity status bitonlyThis bit is the summary bit for theSTATus:QUEStionable:INTegritysub-register.621 10 unused623 11 unused625 12 unused627 13 unused629 14 unused