1 Introduction6 Keysight U1281A/U1282A Programming GuideConfiguring the IR interfaceThe U1281A/U1282A may be operated via an IR interface. The remote control operationwill enable you to manually operate the multimeter via a terminal, or to automaticallyexecute a host computer program.The default parameters for the U1281A/U1282A are:– Baud rate : 9600 bits per second– Parity bit : None– Data bits : 8 data bits– Number of Stop Bits : 1 bitEnsure that the serial port terminator to CR/LF is configured for both the transmit andreceive settings.Each time after a *RST command is sent to the U1281A/U1282A, the communicationbuffer (transmit and receive) must be cleared before the next command is sent.In order to ensure smooth communication, allow sufficient time for the U1281A/U1282A torespond to each command. In most cases, this means refers to a 5-second delay after the*RST command and a 200-millisecond delay for all other commands.For situations where the above delay is insufficient and is related to the serial porthardware, operating system (OS) serial communication buffer, or the central processingunit (CPU) response time, you may consider increasing the delay time to maintain stablecommunication with the U1281A/U1282A.NOTE – The Carriage Return (CR) character (0x0D, \r) moves the cursor to the beginning of theline without advancing to the next line. This character is used as a new line character inCommodore and Early Macintosh operating systems (OS-9 and earlier).– The Line Feed (LF) character (0x0A, \n) moves the cursor down to the next line withoutreturning to the beginning of the line. This character is used as a new line character inUNIX-based systems (Linux, Mac OS X, etc.).– The End Of Line (EOL) sequence (0x0D0x0A, \r\n) is actually two ASCII characters—acombination of the CR and LF characters. It moves the cursor both down to the nextline and the beginning of that line. This character is used as a new line character inmost other non-Unix operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Symbian OS, andothers.