2 Keysight 11920A/B/C, 11921E/F/G/H, and 11922A/B/C/D User’s and Service GuideNoticesCopyright Notice© Keysight Technologies 2001 - 2019No part of this manual may be reproduced inany form or by any means (including electronicstorage and retrieval or translation into a for-eign language) without prior agreement andwritten consent from Keysight Technologies asgoverned by United States and internationalcopyright laws.Manual Part Number11920-90001EditionEdition 2, February 22, 2019Printed in:Printed in MalaysiaPublished by:Keysight TechnologiesBayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone,11900 Penang, MalaysiaTechnology LicensesThe hardware and/or software described inthis document are furnished under a licenseand may be used or copied only in accordancewith the terms of such license.Declaration of ConformityDeclarations of Conformity for this productand for other Keysight products may be down-loaded from the Web. Go to http://www.key-sight.com/go/conformity. You can then searchby product number to find the latest Declara-tion of Conformity.U.S. Government RightsThe Software is “commercial computer soft-ware,” as defined by Federal Acquisition Regu-lation (“FAR”) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR 12.212and 27.405-3 and Department of Defense FARSupplement (“DFARS”) 227.7202, the U.S.government acquires commercial computersoftware under the same terms by which thesoftware is customarily provided to the public.Accordingly, Keysight provides the Software toU.S. government customers under its standardcommercial license, which is embodied in itsEnd User License Agreement (EULA), a copy ofwhich can be found at http://www.key-sight.com/find/sweula. The license set forth inthe EULA represents the exclusive authority bywhich the U.S. government may use, modify,distribute, or disclose the Software. The EULAand the license set forth therein, does notrequire or permit, among other things, thatKeysight: (1) Furnish technical informationrelated to commercial computer software orcommercial computer software documenta-tion that is not customarily provided to thepublic; or (2) Relinquish to, or otherwise pro-vide, the government rights in excess of theserights customarily provided to the public touse, modify, reproduce, release, perform, dis-play, or disclose commercial computer soft-ware or commercial computer softwaredocumentation. No additional governmentrequirements beyond those set forth in theEULA shall apply, except to the extent thatthose terms, rights, or licenses are explicitlyrequired from all providers of commercialcomputer software pursuant to the FAR andthe DFARS and are set forth specifically inwriting elsewhere in the EULA. Keysight shallbe under no obligation to update, revise orotherwise modify the Software. With respectto any technical data as defined by FAR 2.101,pursuant to FAR 12.211 and 27.404.2 andDFARS 227.7102, the U.S. governmentacquires no greater than Limited Rights asdefined in FAR 27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 (c),as applicable in any technical data.WarrantyTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THIS DOCU-MENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS,” AND IS SUBJECTTO BEING CHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, INFUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO THE MAXI-MUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLELAW, KEYSIGHT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRAN-TIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITHREGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND ANY INFOR-MATION CONTAINED HEREIN, INCLUDINGBUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRAN-TIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. KEYSIGHTSHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS OR FORINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESIN CONNECTION WITH THE FURNISHING,USE, OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS DOCU-MENT OR OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINEDHEREIN. SHOULD KEYSIGHT AND THE USERHAVE A SEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENTWITH WARRANTY TERMS COVERING THEMATERIAL IN THIS DOCUMENT THAT CON-FLICT WITH THESE TERMS, THE WARRANTYTERMS IN THE SEPARATE AGREEMENTSHALL CONTROL.Safety InformationCAUTIONA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It callsattention to an operating procedure, practice,or the like that, if not correctly performed oradhered to, could result in damage to theproduct or loss of important data. Do not pro-ceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indi-cated conditions are fully understood and met.WARNINGA WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It callsattention to an operating procedure, practice,or the like that, if not correctly performed oradhered to, could result in personal injury ordeath. Do not proceed beyond a WARNINGnotice until the indicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.