6 Installation Note N9038-90037Option RT1 - Real-Time Spectrum Analysis UpgradeInstallation InstructionsLicense Key Retrieval and Installation1. Plug the instrument into the ac power source and turn it on.2. Follow the instructions on the enclosed License Entitlement Certificate to redeem the newlicense keys for the instrument being upgraded.3. Once the new license keys have been redeemed follow the installation instructions that comewith the licenses to install them into the instrument.4. Once the licenses have been installed an acknowledgment of this such as seen in Figure 1 canbe expected.Figure 1 License Key Installation Confirmation5. After the new license keys have been installed cycle the power of the instrument.6. Verify that the license keys have been installed by pressing System, Show, System and makesure that the following options are present:N9038A-RT1 Real-time analysis up to maximum BW, basic detectionN9038A-FT1 Frequency Mask Trigger >15 us signal durationWhile only one license key file will be sent it will contain within it two license keys, one for theReal-Time Spectrum Analysis application and one for Frequency Mask Triggering used in thisapplication.