Model N6705 Service Guide 3Safety NoticesThe following general safety precautionsmust be observed during all phases ofoperation of this instrument. Failure tocomply with these precautions or withspecific warnings or instructions elsewherein this manual violates safety standards ofdesign, manufacture, and intended use ofthe instrument. Keysight Technologiesassumes no liability for the customer'sfailure to comply with these requirements.GeneralDo not use this product in any manner notspecified by the manufacturer. Theprotective features of this product may beimpaired if it is used in a manner notspecified in the operation instructions.Before Applying PowerVerify that all safety precautions are taken.Make all connections to the unit beforeapplying power. Note the instrument'sexternal markings described under "SafetySymbols"Ground the InstrumentThis product is a Safety Class 1 instrument(provided with a protective earth terminal).To minimize shock hazard, the instrumentchassis and cover must be connected to anelectrical ground. The instrument must beconnected to the ac power mains through agrounded power cable, with the groundwire firmly connected to an electricalground (safety ground) at the power outlet.Any interruption of the protective(grounding) conductor or disconnection ofthe protective earth terminal will cause apotential shock hazard that could result inpersonal injury.FusesThe instrument contains an internal fuse,which is not customer accessible.Do Not Operate in an ExplosiveAtmosphereDo not operate the instrument in thepresence of flammable gases or fumes.Do Not Remove the InstrumentCoverOnly qualified, service-trained personnelwho are aware of the hazards involvedshould remove instrument covers. Alwaysdisconnect the power cable and anyexternal circuits before removing theinstrument cover.Do Not Modify the InstrumentDo not install substitute parts or performany unauthorized modification to theproduct. Return the product to a KeysightSales and Service Office for service andrepair to ensure that safety features aremaintained.In Case of DamageInstruments that appear damaged ordefective should be made inoperative andsecured against unintended operation untilthey can be repaired by qualified servicepersonnel.Safety InformationA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that, ifnot correctly performed or adhered to,could result in damage to the productor loss of important data. Do notproceed beyond a CAUTION noticeuntil the indicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.A WARNING notice denotes a hazard.It calls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that, ifnot correctly performed or adhered to,could result in personal injury ordeath. Do not proceed beyond aWARNING notice until the indicatedconditions are fully understood andmet.Safety SymbolsDirect currentAlternating currentBoth direct and alternatingcurrentThree phase alternatingcurrentEarth (ground) terminalProtective earth groundterminal.Frame or chassis terminalTerminal is at earthpotential.Neutral conductor onpermanently installedequipmentLine conductor onpermanently installedequipment.On supplyOff supplyStandby supply. Unit is notcompletely disconnectedfrom ac mains when switchis offIn position of a bi-stablepush switchOut position of a bi-stablepush switchCaution, risk of electricshockCaution, hot surfaceCaution, refer toaccompanying descriptionCAUTIONWARNING