Keysight M8131A 16/32 GSa/s Digitizer User’s Guide119Remote Programming4Optical Data Interface CommandsThe Optical Data Interface subsystem is used to setup the optical ports ofthe M8131A. These commands are only available with option -STR.The complete specification can be found here: query returns the usable optical channels as a string. The channelnames are separated by commas. The returned value depends on theinstalled options, the selected sample rate and the FPGA mode.An integer to select the ODI port, 1-4.Returned Format[:ODI:ACHannels] {active_channels_string}:ODI:PORT:COUNt?Query:ODI:PORT:COUNt?DescriptionThe query returns the total number of ODI channels.Return Format[:ODI:PORT:COUNt] Example:ODI:PORT:COUNt? -> 4:ODI:PORT:CAPability:DIRection?Query:ODI:PORT:CAPability:DIRection?DescriptionThe query returns the list of data transfer directions supported by this port.Return Format[:ODI:PORT:CAPability:DIRection]: [BIDirection | PRODucer | CONSumer |DUDirection] [,…]Example:ODI:PORT:CAP:DIR? -> “CONSumer, BIDirection”