UPPER MICROWAVE OVENSENSOR COOKING CONVENIENCE COOKINGGUIDE BEHIND DOORWith your new Microwave Oven, you canmicrowave by time by using the Sensorfeatures, or by using the Auto features.TIME COOK EXPRESS COOKTIME DEFROST ADD 30 SECTimeFeatures allow you to set the exactamount of time needed to prepare foods,up to 99 minutes and 59 seconds.Below is a list of buttons that controlSensor features.POPCORN SNACKSBEVERAGE POTATOREHEAT COOKAUTO DEFROSTWhen using sensor cooking, the oven willautomatically adjust the cooking time foryou by detecting the humidity releasedduring cooking. The cooking time will varyaccording to the types and amounts offoods.OPERATIONWhen power is restored, all digits inthe display will light up, then thedisplay will read RESET.This feature adds flexibility tomicrowave cooking. Each level ofpower gives you microwave energy witha certain percent of the power.Such as:1 = 10% of power2= 20% of power3= 30% of power4= 40% of power5= 50% of power6= 60% of power7'= 70% of power8= 80% of power9= 90% of powerO= 100% of powerMost of your cooking will be done using100% of power. Foods will cook fasterbut will need to be stirred, rotated, orturned over more frequently.Using a lower level of power will cookfoods more evenly and need lessstirring or rotating. Some foods mayhave a better flavor, texture, orappearance if one of the lower powerlevels is used. A lower power is muchbetter for foods that have tendencies toboil over,POWERLEVELlO752or31FOODSFish, bacon, vegetables, boiling liquidsMeat, poultry, casseroles, or reheatingStews, less tender cuts of meatDefrosting, simmeringKeeping foods warm, softening butterThe power level may be entered or changedimmediately after entering the feature time,such as TIME COOK, TIME DEFROST,or EXPRESS COOK, The power level mayalso be changed during a time countdown.8