TO START THINGS COOKING (conto)For best cooking results and energy efficient operation,you should use metal pans that are flat on the bottom.Match the size of the pan to the size of the cooking zone.The pan should not extend over the edge of the cookingzone more than 1".HeM5 CANNING TIPSin surface cooking of foods other than canning, the useof large-diameter pots (extending more than 1" beyondedge of cooking zone) is not recommended. However,when canning with water-bath or pressure canner,large-diameter pots may be used. This is beck.usebolltng water temperatures (even under pressure) arenot.harmful to cooktop surfaces surrounding cookingzones.HO_._EVER_ DO _OT USE L_GE DIA_,_ETER C_I__I_F_S OR O'_'I;'_ER _RG_ D_TER PO'1r_; FORFRYRI_G OR E_O_L_G FOODS OTHER THAH WATER._vlost syrup or sauce rni×tures -- and all types of _rying_cook at temperatures much htgher than boiling w_ter.Such temperatures could eventually harm cool,top supfaces surrounding cooking zones.OBSERVe- FOLLO , NG POINTSCANNING1. Bring water to boil on HIGH heat, then after boilinghas begun, adjust heat to the lowest setting whichmaintains the boil (saves energy and best usescooking zone).2. Be sure canner fits over center of cooking zone. Ifyour range does not allow canner to be centered oncooking zone, use smaller diameter pots for goodcanning results.3. Flat-bottomed canners give best canning results. Besure bottom of canner is flat or slight indentation fitssnugly over cooking zone. Canners with flanged orrippled bottoms (often found In enamelware) are notrecommended.Note: A slight odor is norn'_l when a newcooktop is used for _he first time. it is caused bytLheheating of new parts and insula_ting materials_nd wiii disappeaw in a short time.COOkiNGWe recommend that you use only a flat-bottom wok_They are available at your local retail store.4. When canning, use recipes from reputable sources.Reliable recipes are available from the manufacturerof your canner; manufacturers of glass jars for can-ning, such as Bail and Kerr; and the United StatesDepartment of Agriculture Extension Service.5. Remember, In following the recipes, that canning Is aprocess that generates large amounts of steam. Becarefulwhilecanning to prevent burns from steam or hesLNOTE" If your range is being operated on low power(voltage), canning may take longer than expected, eventhough directions have been carefully followed. Theprocess may be improved by:(1) using a pressure canner, and(2) beginning with hot tap water when heatinglarger quantifies of water. NEMTC61-1