EFORI A CL - H ©YCL1. Remove the broiler pan and grid, oven racks, allutensils and any foil that may be in the oven. Do nottry to clean utensils or any other objects in the ovenduring a self-clean cycle. Jf oven rac_:s are left _n_he range durlng a c_ean cycBe, _;hey wiGl _rke_Eose theiD' luster and become hard to slide, n_yeu choose to Heave the racks _rt the ouen_ youcan polish _ghe edges of _he raC_S _,_ith s_eelwool and apply a small _rnount of vegetablle o_Rto the rack edges after _he seUf.cle;_n cycle,This w_ll make _he r_c_s _s_er _o sli_e.2. Soil on the oven front frame, under the front edge ofthe cooktop, the door liner outside the door gasketand the front edge of the oven cavity (about 1" into theoven) will not be cleaned during a clean cycle (seet_lustration below). Clean these areas by hand beforestarting a clean cycle.Use hot water with a soap-filled steel woo! pad° Werecommend a cleanser such as 'Soft ScrubS0' brandor a similar cleaning product to keep white surfaceslooking clean and new. After cleaning, rins_ wetl tohelp prevent a brown residue *tom forming when theoven Is heated. Buff these areas dry with a dry cloth.Please _oLe:The €_oor _aske_ _s designed _o have a 5"oS" _p_ _he _e_ _ the _v_n _e_r. This is _o _zi_owfor proper a_r c_rcu_a_o_.DOOR PANEL GASKETDOOR LINER J_1o PushtheCIL_;_pad. Thedisplaywillshow"CL5AN","T_5", and (....).OVEN LIGHTTo wolong the life of the bulb, be surethe oven light is OFF during Seff-Clean. FRONTFRAME 2_ Press the UP or DOWN arrow pad to select theamount of time you want the oven to clean. Thenormal cycle is 3 hours, but you can choose between2 and 4 hours.DOORDOOR LINERYou Can press the STOP T_._ pad to see the time ofday the clean cycle win be finished. Push the CLEANpad to return to the countdown°3. Wipe up heavy spillovers on the oven bottom, Toomuch soil may cause smoking during the clean cycle,,4o Do not rub the door gasket. The fiberglass materia! ofthe gasket has an extremely low resistance to abrasion.An intact and well fitting oven door gasket is essentialfor energy efficient oven operation and good bakingresults. If you notice the gasket becoming worn,frayed or damaged in any way or if it has becomedisplaced on the door, you should replace the gasket.15(Self-Clean continued on next page l )NESCL64-1