6 general installation Kelvinator solar hot water systemsGeneral installationThe collector rails, unions, straps, clamps, bolts, nuts andwashers required for the installation are included in thecollector kit(s). Suitable screws will be required to fix thecollectors to the roof.The collectors and mounting kit are not designed to beinstalled in cyclone prone areas. If installing in these areas orother areas where a high level of windy and stormy conditionsexist, the collectors will need to be fixed accordingly. Consultthe local authorities for advice regarding any additionalmounting instructions.Use an appropriate amount of thread sealing tape or anapproved thread sealant in between all fittings.Solar collector locationConsideration must be given to the position of the solarcollectors in relation to the hot water storage tank. Themaximum length of the solar hot and solar cold pipes mustbe 10 metres one way (20 metres total) or less to fulfil energyefficiency rating requirements.• The solar collectors should be installed in a shadefree position.• The solar collectors are to be installed facing towardthe equator (i.e. North). Where this orientation is notpractical, a system facing up to 45° from the equator willhave its efficiency reduced by approximately 4%.• Inclination of the solar collectors should be approximatelyequal to 90% of the local latitude angle. Solar collectorsmay be installed at the roof angle for simplicity ofinstallation and appearance, but must never be less than10°. If the roof angle varies by 15° from the correct angle,efficiency will be reduced by 10%.Latitudes of some Australian citiesAdelaide 35°S Port Hedland 20°SMildura 34°S Canberra 35°SBrisbane 27°S Broken Hill 31°SDarwin 12°S Geraldton 28°SRockhampton 24°S Cairns 17°SAlice Springs 24°S Hobart 42°SMelbourne 38°S Sydney 34°STownsville 19°S Perth 32°SIf the roof is flat or has a pitch less than or greater than therecommended angle, a pitch stand may need to be installedto allow the collectors to be mounted correctly. This standmay need to be purchased from a local store or madeespecially for the installation.warningPLUMBER BE AWARE!• Water temperatures above 50°C can cause severe burns.• All plumbing work must be carried out by a qualifiedperson and in accordance with the National PlumbingStandard AS/NZS 3500.4 and local authorityrequirements.• Ensure the roof structure is suitable to carry the fullweight of the solar collectors. Each flat panel solarcollector and its fittings weigh approximately 45kgwhen full of water. Each evacuated tube solar collectorand its fittings weigh approximately 47kg when full ofwater. If in doubt the roof structure should be suitablystrengthened. Consult a structural engineer.• Do not remove the solar collector packagingcompletely, prior to the installation. Remove onlysufficient packaging material to enable the installation.Upon completion of the installation it is necessary toleave the solar collector packaging covering the glasson the solar collector. The packaging should not beremoved until the solar hot water system has beencommissioned and is ready for use.• Plastic pipe MUST NOT be used, as it will not withstandthe temperature and pressure of the water generatedby the solar collectors under stagnation conditions.The solar collectors can generate extremely highwater temperatures up to 272°C. Plastic pipe cannotwithstand these temperatures and MUST NOT be used.Failure of plastic pipe can lead to the release of hightemperature water and cause severe water damageand flooding.• There must be a continuous fall in the pipe workbetween the solar collectors and the solar storage tank.The highest point of the solar cold pipe and solar hotpipe must be where they connect to the solar collectors,to avoid the possibility of air locks occurring in thesystem.• Safety harnesses must be used when working at heightsand on the roof. If the roof is wet or dewy it will be veryslippery and installation work should not be carried outuntil it has become dry.The solar hot and solar cold pipes between the storagetank and solar collectors MUST BE copper only and fullyinsulated with closed cell polymer insulation or similar(minimum thickness 20mm). Thicker insulation may berequired to comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 3500.4.The insulation must be weatherproof and UV resistant. Allcompression fittings must use brass or copper olives.Note: Failure to observe this requirement may void thewarranty for freeze damage.The insulation is essential to assist in providing freezeprotection. When installed on a metal roof, insulation willensure corrosion protection against water runoff over thecopper pipe, assist in avoiding accidental contact with thepipe work and also reduce pipe heat loss.