Kelly KBS-E Brushless Motor Controller User’s Manual V 1.2163.3 Installation Check ListBefore operating the vehicle, complete the following checkout procedure. Use LED code asa reference as listed in Table 1.Caution:• Put the vehicle up on blocks to get the drive wheels off the ground before beginning thesetests.• Do not allow anyone to stand directly in front of or behind the vehicle during the checkout.• Make sure the PWR switch and the brake is off• Use well-insulated tools.• Make sure the wire is connected correctly• Turn the PWR switch on. The Green LED stay on steadily and Red LED turns off when thecontroller operates normally. If this does not happen, check continuity of the PWR andreturn.• The fault code will be detected automatically at restart.• With the brake switch open, select a direction and operate the throttle. The motor shouldspin in the selected direction. Verify wiring or voltage and the fuse if it does not. The motorshould run faster with increasing throttle. If not, refer to the Table 1 LED code, and correctthe fault as determined by the fault code.• Take the vehicle off the blocks and drive it in a clear area. It should have smoothacceleration and good power.