2Figure 2Connector location for Model 2510-RH installationOperationTo operate, turn on the Model 2510 power and set up operating modes as desired. With the Model 2510-RH installed, currentwill flow through the resistive heater when the system calls for heat, and no current will flow through the heater when the systemcalls for cooling, allowing the resistive heater to cool through radiation, conduction, or convection.Refer to the Model 2510 User’s Manual for detailed operating information.Parts listTable 1 summarizes Model 2510-RH parts.Table 1Model 2510-RH parts listQuantityCircuitdesignation Description Keithley part no.111111CR1J1P14-40 Kep nut4-40 × 3/8 Phillips pan head screwDiode, barrier, MBR745ConnectorConnectorHeat sink4-40KEPNUT4-40 × 3/8 PPHSENRF-65CS-834CS-983-8HS-33WARNING: NO INTERNAL OPERATOR SERVICABLE PARTS,SERVICE BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY.CAUTION: FOR CONTINUED PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE HAZARD,REPLACE FUSE WITH SAME TYPE AND RATING.120LINE RATING100-240VAC50, 60 HZ90VA MAXLINE FUSESLOWBLOW2.5A, 250V!!CAT IConnect 2510-RH toINPUT/OUTPUT Connector.Connect resistive heater toOUTPUT terminals in place of TEC.Model 2510 TEC SourceMeterIEEE-488(ENTER IEEE ADDRESSWITH FRONT PANEL MENU)MADE INU.S.A.ENABLE-DIG I/ORS-232TRIGGERLINKOUTPUT INPUTF+ S+ S- F- F+ F- S+ S-ISOLATION FROM EARTH: 30V MAX.