Series 2200 Programmable DC Power Supplies Reference Manual Appendix C: Status model2200S-901-01 Rev. C / March 2016 C-9Error/event queueThe Event Queue stores detailed information on up to 32 events. When 32 events stack up in theEvent Queue, the 32nd event is replaced by event code 350, "Queue Overflow."Read the Event Queue with the EVENT? query (which returns only the event number), with theEVMSG? query (which returns the event number and a text description of the event), or with theALLEV? query (which returns all the event numbers with a description of the event). Reading anevent removes it from the queue.Before reading an event from the Event Queue, you must use the *ESR? query to read the summaryof the event from the SESR. This makes the events summarized by the *ESR? read available to theEVENT? and EVMSG? queries, and empties the SESR.Reading the SESR erases any events that were summarized by previous *ESR? reads but not readfrom the Event Queue. Events that follow an *ESR? read are put in the Event Queue but are notavailable until *ESR? is used again.Messages and codesError and event codes with negative values are SCPI standard codes. Error and event codes withpositive values are unique to the Series 2200.No event messagesCode Message0 No events to report; queue empty1 No events to report; new events pending *ESR?