Rally200, 260, 330 & 390Instructions & care manualThe Rally is a registered design exclusive to Kampa UK LimitedSome of the images shown in these instructions are other similarKampa awnings and are for illustration purposes only.Rally 330 Pearl Grey2IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ:Under certain conditions all awnings will suffer from internal condensation.Depending upon the atmospheric conditions, the weather and the amount ofmoisture in the ground, the condensation could be quite severe and iscommonly mistaken for leaking, especially as it can run down the inside of theroof and drips off ties tapes and other internal fittings. If you suspect yourawning is leaking it is almost certainly condensation. Laying a waterproofgroundsheet (not a breathable carpet) throughout the whole awning will helpand condensation can also be improved by ensuring adequate ventilation. Onsome awnings we offer an optional roof lining that can also help preventcondensation and catch any drips of condensation that fall from the roof.The awning material has a waterproof PU coating over its entire surface andthe main seams of your awning have been factory taped to help preventleakage. Depending upon your expectations, it may be necessary to treat theremaining seams with a seam sealant. Seams treated with seam sealantcannot leak. Seam sealant should also be applied to areas where the taping isdamaged or has peeled away through wear and tear. It can also be applied toareas where a leak may have developed. Seam sealant is available from yourdealer.The awning beading is sewn to the awning with a special waterproof sewingthread. This thread swells when wet to fill the needle holes but thread needsto become wet several times before it is totally effective. This process is knownas ‘weathering’ and it may take several soakings for the weathering to be fullyeffective. This area can also be treated with seam sealant.WELCOMEThank you for purchasing your Kampa awning. Please read theseinstructions carefully before attempting to set up your awning and retain forfuture reference. If used properly, your awning should give you years oftrouble free use. We recommend that your awning is insured againstaccidental and storm damage as this is not covered by the warranty.This awning is designed for use in light to moderate weather. During strongwinds or snowfall we recommend that you take your awning down. Theawning is designed for touring use; it is not designed for static or commercialuse.We recommend a trial run before using your awning for the first time. This willallow you to familiarise yourself with the awning, its set up and any limitationsthe awning may have for your particular use. Please also check your caravanawning rail to ensure that it is not damaged or has any sharp edges that coulddamage your awning.