3.3 Purging air and checking gas leakageWhen piping work is completed, it is necessary to purge theair and check for gas leakage.WARNINGDo not mix any substance other than the specified refrigerantinto the refrigeration cycle.When refrigerant gas leaks occur, ventilate the room as soon aspossible.The specified refrigerant should always be recovered and neverbe released directly into the environment.Use a vacuum pump for the specified refrigerant. Using thesame vacuum pump for different refrigerants may damage thevacuum pump or the unit.If using additional refrigerant, perform air purging from therefrigerant pipes and indoor unit using a vacuum pump, thancharge additional refrigerant.Use a hexagonal wrench(4mm) to operate the stop valve rod.All refrigerant pipe joints should be tightened with a torquewrench at the specified tightening torque.1) Connect projection side of charging hose (which comes fromgauge manifold) to gas stop valve's service port.2) Full open gauge manifold's low-pressure valve (Lo) andcompletely close its high-pressure valve (Hi)(High-pressure valve subsequently requires no operation.)3) Do vacuum pumping and make sure that the compoundpressure gauge reads -0.1MPa (-76cmHg).*14) Close gauge manifold's low-pressure valve (Lo) and sopvacuum pump.(Keep this state for a few minutes to make sure that thecompound pressure gauge pointer does not swing back.)*25) Remove caps from liquid stop valve and gas stop valve.6) Turn the liquid stop valve's rod 90 degrees counterclockwisewith a hexagonal wrench to open valve.Close it after 5 seconds, and check for gas leakage.Using soapy water, check for gas leakage from indoor unit'sflare and outdoor unit's flare and valve rods.After the check is complete, wipe all soapy water off.7) Disconnect charging hose from gas stop valve's service portthen fully open liquid and gas stop valves.(Do not attempt to turn valve rod byond its stop.)8) Tighten valve caps and service port caps for the liquid andgas stop valves with a torque wrench at the specified torques.*1. Pipe length vs. Vacuum pump run time93.5 Refrigerant pipig workPipe length and refrigerant amount:Connectivepipe length3.4 Additional refrigerant chargeCAUTIONRefrigerant may only be charged after performing the leaktest and the vacuum pumping.Check the type of refrigerant to be used on the machinenameplate. Charging with an unsuitable refrigerant maycause explosions and accidents, so always ensure that theappropriate refrigerant is charged.Refrigerant containers shall be opened slowly.The outdoor unit is factory charged with refrigerant. Calculate theadded refrigerant according to the diameter and the length of theliquid pipe of the outdoor unit/indoor unit connection.1) Caution on the pipe handlingProtect the open end of the pipe against dust and moisture.All pipe bends should be as gentle as possible. Use a pipebender for bending.Be sure to add the proper amount of additional refrigerant.Failure to do so may result in reduced performance.Pipe length Up to 15m More than 15mNot less than 15minNot less than 10 minRun time*2. If the compound pressure gauge pointer swings back,refrigerant may have water content or a loose pipe joint mayexists. Check all pipe joints and retighten nuts as needed,then repeat steps 2) through 4).Be sure toplace a cap.If no flare cap isavailable, cover theflare mouth withtape to keep dirt orwater out.WallRainLessthan 5mMorethan 5mAir purgingmethodUse vacuumpump.Use vacuumpump.Additional amount of refrigerant to be chargedR410A: (L-5)x15g/mLiquid side: 6.35mmR410A: (L-5)x30g/mLiquid side: 9.52mm11kaisai.com