Undercounter Refrigerators and FreezersPAGE 207M - stARtInG A MAnUAl dEFRost cYclE:This parameter allows a service technician to start a defrost cycle at any time. Thisparameter will override any lockout settings.Follow the instructions to enter the customer access code on page 8. When the controldisplays Thermostat Set High, press the down arrow key until the controldisplay reads Start Manual Defrost.Press the set buttonThe display will showPress either arrow keyThe display will showPress the set buttonNOTE: Kairak refrigerator units also have an off-cycle defrost, at which time the control willread This defrost is temperature terminated and can last from 3 - 20 minutes(dEF will be displayed for 20-37 minutes time).The defrost icon will be lit, and the display willread when the unit is in defrost.SETSETDEFROST ICON7. MIcRoPRocEssoR contRol (cont.)