SAVE/ENTER to access the list of memory locations that can be selected using the CURSOR +/- push buttons. F10Save saves the scale in the location selected at the time and F5 Escape returns to the previous page. The thirteenArabic scales saved can be easily called up while playing live using the optional pedal switches FS 6 and FS 13.FF33 HHaarrmm.. MMooddee: This makes it possible to use the HARMONY push button to activate the Arab scale instead of calling up the Harmony function.FF44 PPaasssswwoorrdd: This is used to set a password for those Hard Disk folders requiring it (see chapter Disk, Lock function) to protect data writ-ing and reading. The password is assigned to the Hard Disk folders by pressing the F1 Modify button. If no password has beenassigned yet, use the keys of the keyboard to write the new name into the New line. The name must consist of no more thansix letters. Press F10 Confirm to confirm. If an old password exists and you wish to modify it, first of all write the old nameinto the Old line and then the new name into the New line. Finally, press F10 Confirm to confirm. F5 Escape takes you backto the main page of the display.FF55 PPaaggee MMeemmoo: This stores the last page of each menu that will be displayed the next time the same menu is called up.FF66 VViiddeeoo: This is used to select the type of video output signal using the VALUE +/- push buttons, between PAL (European televisionsystem), NTSC (American television system), SVHS Pal (super VHS European), SVHS NTSC (super VHS American), Monitor(VGA monitor for computers), OFF (video card disabled).FF77 DDiisspp.. TTiimmee: The value entered using the VALUE +/- push buttons establishes the time that the page in use remains displayed, at the endof which the XD9 returns to the main page of the display. Set as Off, the page in use remains displayed until another pageis manually accessed or cancelled.FF88 DDiisspp.. MMooddee: When set to Autoclose, the page from which the Voices and the Styles are selected, closes after the selection has been car-ried out and the previous displayed page is shown again.FF99 SSttyyllee SSeell: Defines the Styles selection mode. When set to Group, the selection is carried out using the Styles groups corresponding tothe relevant push buttons like on the SD1. When set to Numeric, the Style is called up by entering the three numbers on thenumeric keypad (STYLES push buttons), like on the X-series.FF1100 VVooiiccee SSeell: This is used to select the call-up mode of the Voices. In Mode 1 the last Voice selected within a single family is always auto-matically called up when that group is selected. To change it, simply select another Voice within the same family. In Mode 2the Voice is enabled only after it has been selected within the selected group using the function push buttons, so that theVoice in use is not replaced just by calling up a family, but by the actual selection of the voice to be used.XD9-XD376Utility