32 ,&530/t"6%:"Main ViewFrom the MAIN VIEW window you can selectdirectly one of the MIDI files stored on disc anddisplay the karaoke lyrics, if present.Selecting MIDI files from MAIN VIEW▀In the MAIN VIEW window, press the F3 button (or1.F4). A list of MIDI files of the MIDIFILE folder willappear (Figure 47).Select using the CURSOR2. § ¶ buttons or theDATA/VALUE wheel a MIDI file from the list. OurH[DPSOHLV´-(11,)(50,'μPress the ENTER button to start MIDI file3.playback.If the MIDI file contains lyrics, you will see them4.on the right section of the MAIN VIEW window, asillustrated in Figure 48.The USER buttons from 1 to 4 under the MAIN5.VIEW window will work like this:USER 1: PAUSE/CONTINUEUSER 2: STOPUSER 3: LEAD ON/OFF (melody mute)USER 4: EXIT (exit from the Lyric or MAIN VIEWwindow).While the MIDI file is playing back or paused, by6.pressing the F3 button (or F4) a second time, theMAIN VIEW window is divided in two sections(Figure 49):to the right, the section LYRIC.To the left, the list of the MIDI files on the disc.In this way, while the current file is playing back,7.you can select the file from the list using theCURSOR § ¶ buttons or the DATA/VALUEwheel and start using the ENTER button.Press the F3 button (or F4) again to dispaly the8.ordinary window.Press the F10 button To switch the window LYRIC9.ON/OFF.HOME button of the MIDI Player▀By pressing the MIDI button of the Player you canenter the usual list of MIDI files on the disc. Thewindow now shows the HOME function activated bythe USER 3 button, as illustrated in Figure 50. TheHOME function is useful when you want return to theMAIN VIEW and operate from the new functions.Figure 47Figure 48Figure 49Figure 50MIDI Player (MAIN VIEW)