K4C COMPACT-MULTI – INSTALLATION/OPERATION MANUALK4C Compact-multi Feb-0673.8 CHANGING NOZZLENOZZLE CHANGE If a new nozzle of a different size is installed, change theheating blower speed according to the specifications table.3.9 SET BURNER FOR EFFICIENT OPERATIONSET END CONE Set turbulator to furnace operating decal settings.Particularly if you change nozzles.PUMP PRESSURE Refer to “BURNER SPECIFICATIONS” or operating decal.BURNER AIR Set air damper as settings on operating decal.SAMPLING HOLE On smoke/vent pipe, between appliance breech and draftcontrol, punch or drill a 1/4” round opening. Not applicableto Direct Vent.DRAFT PRESSURE Using an accurate draft meter, adjust the draft control toobtain -0.04” wc draft pressure at the breech sampling hole.Use two barometric dampers if necessary. Not applicable toDirect Vent.BURNER SETTING Set the burner to give a stable symmetrical flame. After 15minutes of normal operation, check SMOKE for #0-tracereading and measure CO2. Re adjust the burner controls asrequired.EFFICIENCY Always leave burner set with CO2 reading about 1% of CO2lower than the peak efficiency achieved with a #0-tracesmoke (e.g. a #0-trace reading of 12.5% CO2 should be setback 1% to 11.5%). This gives better allowance for fuel anddraft variations and maintains a better seasonal efficiency.When the burner is set, lock the adjustments with the lockingnuts.FLAME CHECK Look through view port to check the flame after setting theburner. If the flame is not clean and symmetrical, reset theburner or replace the nozzle, use only nozzle types specifiedon settings label.Always set flame with proper draft, smoke and CO2 measurements.DO NOT START BURNER UNTIL ALL FITTINGS AND COVERS ARE IN PLACE.