1211Installation ProcedureWall Hanging Diagram1. Paste the central drill sticker on wall at (3.6 Feet to 4.0 Feet from the ground) as per your convenience.2. Ensure that sticker is pasted straight on the wall,then drill holes as per the space provided on sticker.3. Now, insert the puff up with the help of a hammer.4. Screw in two 10X50 self-taping screws, 7.6 inches (192 mm) apart horizontally.5. Carefully hang the purifier on the wall with the help of wall-mounting slot holes provided on back side of the purifier.Note: If the wall is not straight or the screws are not properly drilled in an even position,it will damage your purifier.Note: Keep the device away from heat or direct sunlight.1. First fix the SS ball valve (marked as no. 4) to the inch port of the 3-way connecter (marked as no. 2) as shownin figure 2.2. Connect the 3-way connector to the raw water supply (marked as no. 1) as shown in the figure 3. The 3-wayconnector is fitted in line with the raw water supply.3. The other end of the 3-way connector can be connected to a tap (marked as no.3) as shown in figure 4. or canbe plugged off if not required.Step-2Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 4.Figure 3.1234 42 1 3Step-1Before connecting the power supply, it is important that you perform thefollowing functions:1. Open the SS ball valve (Handle parallel to the ball valve) to start theflow of water into the purifier, as shown in the figure.2. Wait for 2-3 minutes to ensure that the filters are soaked in water.1. Now connect one end of the white pipe to SS ball valve and anotherend to the upper push-fit elbow fitting to the left hand side of thepurifier labelled as WATER IN, as shown in fig 1.2. Similarly, connect one end of the white pipe to the lower elbow fittingconnector in tank labelled as REJECT WATER and leave the otherend in the drain, as shown in fig 2.Step-3Step-4Connect the power supply.Step-5Installation is complete.nnnnnnSwitch on the power supply. to remove any dust particles present in the pipesand storage tank.Wait till the storage tank completely fills up.**Close the drain plug and switch on the power supply.Switch off the power supply.The purifier is ready to use.Drain the storage tank by opening the drainplug present at the bottom of the storage tank, so asStarting Up the PurifierTDS Adjustment*Although the rejected water has high concentration of plant growth. Rejected water can also be used forsalts, it can be used for gardening purposes. It has high cleaning purposes, i.e. cleaning utensils, mopping, etc.concentration of salts and minerals which accelerateRecommended Uses of Rejected Water* Tested & Certified by TUV-SUD South Asia (P) Ltd.** Tested or certified flushing time - 24hrs.We recommend keeping the TDS at lowest but not below 50mg/l.n n Turning the screw of the valve clockwise results in adecreased mineral content.Turning the screw of the valve anti-clockwise results inan increased mineral content.The unique TDS Control System enables customers to retain the contents of natural minerals (TDS) in purified water,as per their requirement.Maintenanceafter every 12 months. It is recommended to changeTo ensure that the purifier operates at its optimum level, aroutine maintenance must be performed. The frequency the FRT when the filters are replaced.of the maintenance will greatly depend upon the raw Replace the RO membrane once every year.water quality and consumption of treated water.Replace the UV Lamp once in a year.Storage tank must be drained once in 2 weeks.To doso, switch off the power supply, open the drain plug If you are not going to use the purifier for a long timeat the bottom of the tank and allow the water to ( in case you are on a holiday, tour or out of home),drain.Then, screw back the plug and switch on the make sure that you disconnect the power supply,power supply. turn off the raw water supply and drain the storagetank.Replace sediment, activated carbon and postcarbon when the filter change alarm is audible, ornnnnn