The T20 timer is supplied unlocked and pre-loaded with a simple program. It isset up with a 5 second start override time and a 5 second run-on time. All otherfunctions are turned off. With the default program loaded, the T20 will start apump in spite of an initial lack of flow, run the pump for 5 seconds and expectto establish flow past the paddle of its remote flow switch within this start uptime. Given flow is established it will then run the pump continuously while flowis present and it will shut the pump down if flow is interrupted for more than 5seconds or if flow stops completely.You can restore the T20 to this default state at any time by pressing and holdingdown the (P) button and pressing the (R) reset button at the same time. Releasethe (R) button and then release the (P) button. The timer light will then flash rap-idly red to indicate the process is complete. Doing this removes any settings youmay have entered and restores the T20 to its original default state. You can thenenter new settings or just press reset (R) again and run the pump.Purging the T20 TimerIntroduction to ProgrammingThe T20 flow switch timer includes a set of functions that can be set up to controla pump. The functions range from a simple override on start timer that allows apump to start in spite of an initial lack of flow, through to a range of sophisticatedtiming and flow based sequences. The functions are independently accessibleand adjustable through the T20’s simple programming interface. The pages thatfollow set out what each function does and how to set it up.The actual selection of a suitable set of functions must be decided prior to pro-gramming and will depend on what level of control the pumping system requires.In order to achieve the best performance from this flow switch observe the follow-ing basic rules.1) Use the least number of functions possible. Do not program in functions youdo not specifically require, as to do so will make the system’s operation unneces-sarily complicated and may introduce unpredictable interactions that could causethe T20 to behave in a manner you had not anticipated.20