- 13 -29. Assemble tile course 8 (the wide, upper, tile mould-ing) in adhesive. The joint between tiles 1 and 2 must bein line with the tile joint in the course below.Do not fire your Christineberg for at least one week after completing the installation to allow for thehardening times.The first ten fires should be calm, to give the tile stove the opportunity to stabilise and dry. Therefore, fire theseten first fires in damper position NORMAL and with only half the recommended amount of wood, see also theCare & Firing Instructions on the following pages.FINAL INSTALLATION AND GROUTING30. Install the upper cleaning cover connection sleeve byapplying a string of silicone (transparent) on the connec-tion sleeve's rear end and pushing it from the inside andout through the hole in the tiles, so the space betweenthe connection sleeve and the tiles remains free of sili-cone along the front edge. The connection sleeve mustprotrude approx. 1 cm from the outside of the tiles (sothat the cleaning cover can be pressed in place later). Fixtemporarily using tape.31. Also install the lower cleaning cover connectionsleeves by applying a string of silicone (transparent) onthe inner end of each connection sleeve and pressing theconnection sleeve against the lower safety case sleeveconnection. Fix temporarily using tape.32. Mix the grout with water to a smooth consistency.Grout the tiles with the rubber spatula. Wash off any ex-cess grout from the tiles, using a wet sponge when thegrout begins to set (dry). Dry the tile stove with cottonpulp a couple of hours after grouting.33. Install the brass door and the damper feedthroughagainst the tiles using silicone (transparent). Fix tempo-rarily using tape. Screw the damper knob in place.34. Assemble the damper feedthrough and the knob forthe air supply using silicone (transparent).35. Once the silicone has hardened (after approx. oneweek), press the three brass cleaning covers, two at thetwo bottom and one at the top, into their respective loca-tions.A BTile course 8 Tile course 8