Operating ManualOriginal Operating Manual 51.4 CE-MarkKAUP-Attachments carry the CE-mark. The EC Declaration of Conformity ensures that theattachment conforms to the EC machinery guideline.1.5 Qualified and authorised personnelQualified and authorised personnel are equipped by way of their education and training to performthe tasks assigned to them in accordance with accepted practice and safety regulations. They areassigned tasks by the equipment owner.1.6 Warranty claims based on defectsKAUP shall not be liable for any damage to the equipment resulting from:Improper use / operation.Modifications to components.Inappropriate installation, maintenance, inspection and servicing.Assignment of unqualified or non-authorised personnel.Claims raised by third parties.1.7 Limits of applicable useKAUP-attachments are intended for use under the following climatic conditions:Average ambient temperature for continuous operation: +25°CAllowable maximum ambient temperature, short term (up to 1h): +40°CAllowable minimum ambient temperature for attachments intended forindoor use: +5°CAllowable minimum ambient temperature for attachments intended foroutdoor use: -20°CStandard models of KAUP-attachments are NOT suitable for:Use in cold storage facilities.Use in explosive environments.Use in conjunction with hydraulic systems involving biological oils.Use in rough environmental conditions (e.g. seawater)The transport of acidic liquids.