6Laser SettingsThe Laser Defuser g5 can be configured to one of three differentoperational settings:Laser Settings Description Recommended UseConstant Upon receiving a laser signal,Transmit the Laser Defuser g5 willcontinuously transmit a jam-ming signal for the durationof the laser encounter. This isthe factory default setting.Pulse Upon receiving a laser signal,Transmit the Laser Defuser g5 willtransmit a jamming signal for10 seconds and then ceasefiring for the duration of thatencounter.Receive Only The Laser Defuser g5 will onlydetect laser. No jammingsignal will be emitted.•For aggressive drivers at higher speeds.•Gives the driver more time to decelerate.•Higher potential for jamming all theway to the laser gun location.•For moderate to aggressive drivers.•Gives the driver the time to check andreduce speed to avoid a speedingticket while allowing the police officerto obtain a lower speed reading, elimi-nating suspicion of “jamming.”•For notification only. Officer will obtain aspeed reading on your vehicle in thissetting.Alerts from Non-Police SignalsYour K40 RL360i / RL200i is sensitive enough to detect signals gen-erated by non-police equipment, such as automatic doors. To learnhow to minimize these signals, please read about FILTER options(page 7), Quiet Ride function (page 8), and Mark to Mute (page 9).K-Band FilterYour RL360i / RL200i rejects alerts from vehicles on the road (includ-ing your own) equipped with radar-based safety features, such ascollision avoidance. Police radar reception and detection range isunaffected by this feature.