1311 Front Ka-Band ”Ka-Band On“ “Front Ka-Band Enables the detection of Ka-BandOn” radar from front receiver.“Off” disables this detection .12 Rear Radar “Rear Radar On” Allows user to turn off rear radarN/A (important when traveling instates or countries where radardetectors are illegal).13 Rear X-Band “Rear X-Band On” Enables the detection of X-BandN/A radar from rear receiver.”Off” disables this detection.14 Rear K-Band “Rear K-Band On” Enables the detection of K-BandN/A radar from rear receiver.”Off” disables this detection.15 Rear Ka-Band “Rear Ka-Band Enables the detection of Ka-BandN/A On” radar from rear receiver.”Off” disables this detection.16 Laser Defuser “Laser On” “Laser On” Enables the Laser Defuser.“Off” disables the LaserDefuser.17 Laser Settings “Laser Constant “Laser Constant Enables Laser Defuser forTransmit” Transmit” constant transmit, pulse trans-mit, or receive only.18 Factory Reset “Factory Reset” “Factory Reset” Returns the system to its origi-nal factory default settings.Default Setting(voice confirmations)Menu Options(in sequential order) DescriptionRL200di ExpertSystem RL360di ExpertSystemCustomizable Settings