– 10It is recommended to sweep or vacuum thefloor prior to using the steam cleaner. Thisway, the floor is already cleared of dirt/loose particles prior to the wet cleaning.Prior to treatment with the steam cleaner,always check the reaction of the textiles inan inconspicuous location: Steam at first,then let dry and then check for colour orshape changes.When cleaning painted or plastic-coatedsurfaces, as found on kitchen and livingroom furniture, doors, parquet; wax, furni-ture polish, plastic surfaces or paint cancome loose or stains can be created. Whencleaning these surfaces, briefly steam acloth and wipe the surfaces with it.CautionNever direct the steam jet at glued edgesas the edge band may loosen. Do not usethe steam cleaner on unsealed wooden orparquet floors.In case of low outside temperatures, especiallyin the winter, warm up the window pane byslightly steaming the entire glass surface. Thiswill prevent tensions on the surface which mightlead to glass breakage.Then clean the window surface with thehand nozzle and attachment. Use a squee-gee to remove the water or wipe the surfac-es dry.CautionDo not direct steam onto the sealed locationsof the window frame to prevent damage.You can use the steam gun without any ad-ditional accessories, e.g.:– to remove odours and wrinkles fromhanging clothes by steaming them at adistance of 10 to 20 cm.– to remove dust from plants. Here, keepa distance of 20-40 cm.– for moist dusting, by briefly steamingthe cloth and wiping the furniture with it.The closer this nozzle is to the contaminat-ed area, the higher the cleaning effect, asthe temperature and the steam are highestat the nozzle output. Especially suited forcleaning difficult access locations, joints,fittings, drains, sinks, toilets, blinds andheaters. Heavy lime scale can be drenchedin vinegar prior to steam-cleaning. Let thevinegar penetrate for about 5 minutes.The round brush can be installed onto thedetail nozzle as an accessory. Attachedbrushes can therefore be used to removeheavy soiling.CautionNot suited for the cleaning of sensitive sur-faces. IllustrationAttach the round brush to the detail nozzle.Pull the terry cloth cover over the hand noz-zle. Especially well-suited for small washa-ble areas, shower stalls and mirrors.Suited for all washable walls and floor cov-erings, e.g. stone floors, tiles and PVCfloors. Work slowly on very dirty surfaces toallow the steam to act on the dirt for a long-er period of time.Note: Detergent residue or care emulsionsthat are still present on the surfaces to becleaned, can lead to smears when steamcleaned. However, these will disappearwith repeated cleaning procedures.How to Use the AccessoriesImportant application instructionsCleaning floor surfacesRefreshing textilesCleaning of Coated or LacqueredSurfacesCleaning of GlassSteam gunDetail nozzleRound brushHand nozzleFloor nozzle20 EN