English 7 CAUTION Safety installations serve theprotection of the user andmay not be modified or by-passed.The appliance switch preventsunintentional operation of theappliance.This lock locks the lever of thetrigger gun and prevents the in-advertent start of the appliance.If the lever on the trigger gun isreleased the pressure switchturns off the pump, the highpressure jet is stopped. If the le-ver is pulled the pump is turnedon again.The motor protection switchswitches off the device if thepower consumption is high. CAUTION Wear protective clothing andsafety goggles to protectagainst splash back contain-ing water or dirt. During the use of high-pres-sure cleaners aerosols candevelop. Inhaling aerosolscan cause health damage.– Depending on the applica-tion, completely shielded noz-zles (e.g. surface cleaner)that significantly reduce theemission of aqueous aero-sols can be used for high-pressure cleaning.– The use of such shielding isnot possible with all applica-tions.– If the use of a completelyshielded nozzle is not possi-ble, a respirator of the catego-ry FFP 2 or the like should beused, depending on the envi-ronment to be cleaned.Safety DevicesPower switchLock trigger gunOverflow valve with pressureswitchMotor protection switchSymbols on the machineThe high pressure jetmust not be directed atpersons, animals, liveelectrical equipment or atthe appliance itself.Gerät vor Frost schützen.The appliance must notbe directly connected tothe public drinking waternetwork.Personal protectiveequipment