– 10Illustration Push the high pressure hose intothe trigger gun until it locks audibly.Note: Make sure the connectionnipple is aligned correctly.Check the secure connection bypulling on the high pressure hose. WarningAccording to the applicableregulations, the appliancemust never be used on thedrinking water supply without asystem separator. Use a suitablesystem separator manufacturedby KÄRCHER; or, as an alterna-tive, a system separator as perEN 12729 Type BA.Water flowing through a systemseparator is considered non-drinkable.CautionAlways connect the system sep-arator to the water supply, neverdirectly to the appliance!Note: Impurities in the water can dam-age the high-pressure pump and ac-cessories. For protection, the use ofthe KÄRCHER water filter (optional ac-cessory, order no. 4.730-059) is rec-ommended.Observe regulations of water supplier.For connection values, see type plate/technical data. Use a fibre-reinforced water hose(not included) with a standard cou-pling. (Minimum diameter 1/2 inch(13 mm), minimum length 7.5 m).CautionHose couplings made of metalwith aquastop can damage thepump! Please use plastic cou-plings or KÄRCHER brass cou-plings. IllustrationScrew the coupling element to thewater connection on the appliance.Push the water supply hose ontothe coupling unit, then connect it tothe water supply.This high-pressure cleaner is suited towork with the KÄRCHER suction hosewith backflow valve (Optional accesso-ry, order no. 4.440-238) to draw in sur-face water, e.g. from water butts orponds (see specifications for max. suc-tion height). Fill the KÄRCHER suction hosewith backflow valve with water,screw to water supply and hang intothe water butt. Appliance ventilation: Switch theappliance on with the high-pressurehose detached and operate (max. 2minutes) until the water exits thehigh-pressure connection withoutbubbles. Switch off appliance andreconnect high-pressure hose.CautionDry runs lasting longer than twominutes lead to damages to thehigh pressure pump. If the appli-ance does not build up pressurewithin two minutes, switch it offand proceed as instructed in theChapter "Troubleshooting".Connect the high pressure hoseto the trigger gunWater supplyWater supply from mainsDrawing in water from openreservoirsStart up22 EN