9WINTERIZING AND LONG-TERM STORAGE – continued5) Cleaning thewater inlet filterPull out the water in-let filter with flat-nosepliers and rinse out inwarm water. MaintenanceThe unit is mainte-nance-free.6) Cleaning thedetergent inletfilterPull it out and rinse outin warm water.Deck Cleaning(with or without detergent)Pre-rinse deck and surrounding area withfresh water. If using Kärcher Deck Wash,place detergent suction tube directly intocleaning solution and apply to surface atlow pressure. For best results, limit yourwork area to smaller sections ofapproximately 25 square feet. Allow DeckWash to remain on surface 1-3 minutes. Donot allow detergent to dry on surface. Rinseat high pressure in a long sweeping motionkeeping the spray nozzle approximately 3-6inches from the cleaning surface. Alwaysclean from top to bottom and from left toright. When moving on to a new section ofthe cleaning surface, be sure to overlap theprevious section to eliminate stop marksand ensure a more even cleaning result.House Siding(with or without detergent)Pre-rinse cleaning surface with fresh water.If using Kärcher Pressure Wash, placedetergent suction tube directly into cleaningsolution and apply to surface at lowpressure (for best results, limit your workarea to sections of approximately 6 feetand always apply detergent from bottom totop). Allow Pressure Wash to remain onsurface 1-3 minutes. Do not allow detergentto dry on surface, if surface appears to bedrying, simply wet down surface with freshwater. If needed, use special Wash BrushAttachment (not included) to removestubborn dirt. Rinse at high pressure fromtop to bottom in an even sweeping motionkeeping the spray nozzle approximately 6inches from the cleaning surface.CLEANING TIPSCement Patios, Brick andStone(with or without detergent)Pre-rinse cleaning surface with fresh water.If using Kärcher Pressure Wash orDegreaser, place detergent suction tubedirectly into cleaning solution and apply tosurface at low pressure. For best results,limit your work area to smaller sections ofapproximately 25 square feet. AllowPressure Wash or Degreaser to remain onsurface 1-3 minutes. Do not allow detergentto dry on surface. Rinse at high pressure ina sweeping motion keeping the spraynozzle approximately 3-6 inches from thecleaning surface. Always clean from top tobottom and from left to right.Cars, Boats & Motorcycles(with or without detergent)Pre-rinse vehicle with fresh water. If usingKärcher Touchless Vehicle Wash, placedetergent suction tube directly into cleaningsolution and apply to surface at lowpressure. For best results, clean one side ofvehicle at a time and always applydetergent from bottom to top, do not allowdetergent to dry on surface. If needed, usespecial Wash Brush Attachment (notincluded) to remove stubborn dirt. Rinse athigh pressure in a sweeping motionkeeping the spray nozzle approximately 6-8inches from the cleaning surface (distanceshould increase when rinsing pin-striping orother sensitive surfaces). Always clean fromtop to bottom and from left to right. Forbest results, wipe surface dry with achamois or soft dry cloth.Caution: Do not use the rotary nozzle onvehicles as it may cause damage.