– 4– While reducing the water supply at thepump head or with the Servopress -regulation the overflow valve opens andpart of the water flows back to the pumpsuck side.– If the hand-spray gun is closed, so thatthe whole water flows back to the pumpsuck side, the pressure switch at theoverflow valve shuts down the pump.– If the hand spray gun is opened, thepressure switch on the cylinder headturns the pump back on.The overflow valve is set by the manufac-turer and sealed. Setting only by customerservice.– The safety valve opens, when the over-flow valve resp. the pressure switch isbroken.The safety valve is set by the manufacturerand sealed. Setting only by customer ser-vice.– The water shortage safeguard preventsthe burner to be turned on when there iswater shortage.– A sieve prevents the contamination ofthe safeguard and must be cleaned reg-ular.– The temperature stop switches off themachine when the waste gases havereached very high temperatures. WarningRisk of injury! Device, tubes, high pressurehose and connections must be in faultlesscondition. Otherwise, the appliance mustnot be used. Lock parking brake.Figure 3CautionHook the electric supply line into the cableguide of the right handle bow. Ensure thatthe cable is not damaged.Note: Push the bottle in securely to pene-trate the closure. Do not remove bottle untilit is empty.Note: To protect the device, the burner isswitched off 5 hours after the system carebottle is empty.– The system care prevents the calcifica-tion of the heating spiral while operatingwith calciferous tap water. It is dosedinto the supply in the float containerdrop by drop.– The metering is set to medium water ri-gidity by the manufacturerNote: A system care bottle is included inthe delivery. Replace the system care bottle. Determining the hardness of tap water:– through the public water supply works,– using a hardness tester (order no.6.768-004) Set the service switch according to thewater hardness in the table.Note: Observe the following when usingsystem care Advance 2 RM 111:– Calcification protection: See table– Pump care and black water protection:Set the service switch to at least setting 3.Overflow valve with two pressureswitchesSafety valveWater shortage safeguardTemperature stop for exhaust gasesStart upInstalling the handleReplace the system care bottleAdjusting the dosage of the systemcare Advance RM 110/RM 111Water hard-ness (°dH)Scale on the service switch<3 OFF (no dosing)3...7 17...14 214...21 3>21 428 EN