– 2 Before first start-up it is definitely nec-essary to read the operating instruc-tions and safety indications Nr. 5.951-949.0! Please follow the national rules andregulations for fuel spray jets of the re-spective country. Please follow the national rules andregulations for accident prevention ofthe respective country. Fuel spray jetsmust be tested regularly and the resultsof these tests must be documented inwriting. Danger– Do not use high pressure cleanerswhen there has been an oil spill; movethe appliance to another spot and avoidany sort of spark formation.– Do not store, spill or use fuel in the vi-cinity of open flames or appliances suchas ovens, boilers, water heaters, etc.that have an ignition flame or can gen-erate sparks.– Keep even mildly inflammable objectsand materials away from the silencer (atleast 2 m).– Do not start the engine without the si-lencer; check, clean and replace, if re-quired, the silencer at regular intervals.– Do not use the engine in forest, bushesor grassy areas without fitting a sparkreceiver at the exhaust.– Except for setting jobs, do not run the en-gine when the air filter is removed or thereis no cover over the suction support.– Do not make any adjustments to theregulator springs, regulator bars or oth-er parts that can bring forth an increasein the engine speed.– Risk of burns! Do not touch hot silenc-ers, cylinders or radiator ribs.– Do not put hands or feet close to mov-ing or rotating parts.– Risk of poisoning! The appliance shouldnot be operated in closed rooms.– Do not use unsuitable fuels, as theymay be dangerous. DangerImmediate danger that can cause severeinjury or even death. WarningPossible hazardous situation that couldlead to severe injury or even death.CautionPossible hazardous situation that couldlead to mild injury to persons or damage toproperty.High-pressure jets can be dan-gerous if improperly used. Thejet may not be directed at per-sons, animals, live electrical equipment orat the appliance itself.According to the applicable regula-tions, the appliance must never beused on the drinking water supplywithout a system separator. Use asuitable system separator manufactured byKÄRCHER; or, as an alternative, a systemseparator as per EN 12729 Type BA. Waterflowing through a system separator is con-sidered non-drinkable.CautionAlways connect the system separator tothe water supply, never directly to the appli-ance!Safety devices serve for the protection of theuser and must not be put out of operation orbypassed with respect to their function.If the hand spray gun is closed, the over-flow valve opens and the high pressurepump diverts the water back to the pumpsuction side. Thus the permissible workingpressure is not exceeded.The overflow valve is set by the manufac-turer and sealed. Setting only by customerservice.Safety instructions Symbols in the operating instruc-tionsSymbols on the machineSafety DevicesOverflow valve13EN