English 5.906-246.0 Rev. 01 (09/14) 3Good service work requires extensive and practice-orient-ed training as well as well-structured training materials.Hence we offer regular basic and advanced training pro-grammes covering the entire product range for all serviceengineers.In addition to this, we also prepare service manuals for im-portant appliances - these can be initially used as instruc-tion guides and later on as reference guides.Apart from this, we also regular information about productenhancements and their servicing.If you should require supplements, have corrections orquestions regarding this document, please address theseciting the following subject to:international-service@de.kaercher.comThe responsible product specialist will take care of your is-sue.Copying and duplication of texts and diagrams as wellas third-party access to this information is permittedonly with the explicit permission of the company:Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KGP O Box 160D -71349 Winnendenwww.kaercher.comService and maintenance tasks may only be performed byqualified and specially trained specialists.Observe safety information in the chapters! DANGERPrior to all work on the appliance, switch off the applianceand pull the power plug.Shut off water supply.Drain off water pressure. DANGERFor an immediate danger which can lead to severe injuriesor death. WARNINGFor a possibly dangerous situation which could lead to se-vere injuries or death. CAUTIONFor a possibly dangerous situation which can lead to minorinjuries or property damage.ATTENTIONPointer to a possibly dangerous situation, which can leadto property damage.NoteIndicates useful tips and important information.2 PrefaceSubject: Fall 1183573 Safety instructions3.1 Hazard levels