8 EnglishSTEP 9:Open fuel valve. Pull the choke rod to the ONposition (on a warm engine, leave the chokerod in the OFF position).STEP 10:Move the engine stop switch to the ON posi-tion.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSUSING THE ACCESSORIESCAUTIONHigh pressure in nozzle area. Risk of injurycaused by improperly locked nozzle.■ Make sure you hear the "click" when insertingthe nozzle tip into the quick connection.■ Pull the nozzle to make sure it is seatedproperly before operating your unit. (SeeASSEMBLY NSTRUCTIONS: Step 1)WARNINGTo avoid serious injury never point spraynozzle at yourself, other persons or animals.The color-coded quick connect nozzles provide awide array of spray widths from 0° to 65° and areeasily accessible when placed in the convenientnozzle holder.0° spray angle = Red nozzleFor particularly stubborn accumulation of grime.Not recommended for soft materials like sidings,decks, painted surfaces, cars.25° spray angle = Green nozzleFor dirt accumulation over a large surface.15° spray angle = Yellow nozzleFor dirt accumulation over a surface.65° spray angle = Black nozzleFor operating with detergents or cleaning withlow pressure.40° spray angle = White nozzleFor moderate dirt accumulation over a largesurface.Quick connect nozzlesSTEP 11:Pull the starter handle. If the engine fails tostart after 3 pulls, squeeze the trigger gun torelease pressure, and repeat step.After the engine warms up enough to runsmoothly move choke rod to OFF position.For engine details see engine manual.