9.800-082.0 • 15751000-1100 • Rev. 04/09OPERATOR’S MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER8STEP 1: Check engine oil level. Oil level should belevel with the bottom of the oil filler neck. Be sure themachine is level when checking the oil level. (Refer tothe engine's operating manual included with machine.)We recommend that the oil be changed after the first 5hours of use, then once every 50 hours. Note: Improperoil levels will cause low oil sensor to shut off engine.IMPORTANT! Do not run engine with high or low oillevels as this will cause engine damage.STEP 2: Remove shipping cap and install oil dipstick.Check pump oil level by using dipstick or observe oillevel in oil window (if equipped). Use 30 wt. (nondetergent) oil.STEP 5: Rotate the fuel shut-off valve to the "On"position. Slide the fuel valve lever to the "ON" position.When the engine is not in use, leave the fuel valve inthe "OFF" position.STEP 4: Trigger the spray gun to eliminate trapped airthen wait for a steady flow of water to emerge fromthe spray nozzle.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSTEP 3: Fill gas tank with unleaded gasoline. Do notuse leaded gasoline.STEP 6: Move the choke lever to the "Choke" posi-tion (on a warm engine, leave the choke lever in therun position). Move the choke lever to the "Closed"position. To restart a warm engine, leave the chokelever in the "Open" position.Oil Dipstick DipstickOil WindowGasTankChokeLeverfuelvalveChokefuelvalve