– 6 WarningHot water may drip out of the accessoryparts while you are detaching them! Neverdetach accessory parts while steamstreams out - risk of scalding! Switch the appliance off at the switches. Lift the cover of the appliance connectorand disconnect the steam plug from theappliance. Disconnect the mains plug from the socket.NoteYou can leave the residual water in the ap-pliance.Application examples for use of the steamgun without accessories:– to remove odours and wrinkles fromhanging clothes by steaming them at adistance of 10 to 20 cm.– to remove dust from plants. Here, keepa distance of 20-40 cm.– for moist dusting, by briefly steamingthe cloth and wiping the furniture with it.– The closer you hold the nozzle to thedirty spot, the higher the cleaning effectas temperature and pressure of thesteam reach their maximum values im-mediately when they are emitted fromthe nozzle.– The detail nozzle with the different at-tachment is suited for cleaning difficultto access points, such as corners,grooves, etc. as well as blinds, centralheaters, toilets, stainless steel, mirrors,mirrors, fixtures, coated and enameledsurfaces, loosening of stains.– The power nozzle increases the emis-sion speed of the steam. Therefore, it iswell-suited for cleaning very tough dirt,blowing out corners, grooves, etc.NoteThe round brush is not suited for the clean-ing of delicate surfaces.– Suited for all washable wall and floorcoverings, e.g. stone floors, tiles andPVC floors. Work slowly on very dirtysurfaces to allow the steam to act on thedirt for a longer period of time.– Flip and replace floor cloth regularly toimprove the dirt pickup.NoteDetergent residue or care emulsions thatare still present on the surfaces to becleaned, can lead to smears when steamcleaned. However, these will disappearwith repeated cleaning procedures. Attach the floor cloth to the floor nozzle.1 Fold the floor cloth the long way andplace the floor nozzle on top of it.2 Open holding clamps.3 Place the cloth ends into the openings.4 Close the holding clamps. WarningDo not insert fingers between the clamps.Suited for small washable areas, showerstalls, mirrors or furniture cloth material. Pull the terry cloth cover over the man-ual nozzle.Order no. 6.959-262.0 Connect the steam plug of the iron tothe appliance. VAPOHYDRO regulation with rotaryknob, turn all the way to "-". Set the temperature controller at leastto 3 for ironing all types of fabrics. Theemitted steam prevents the fabric frombecoming overheated.Once the indicator lamp on the iron hasgone out, the system is ready for use.Removing the AccessoriesTurning Off the ApplianceHow to Use the AccessoriesSteam gunDetail nozzleFloor nozzleHand nozzleIron (option)Steam ironing18 EN